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Simple and beyond

Week 3, easy day:

Done with presses of 28.

Snatch. Started with 24 kilo. Just did around 6 sets of 5 reps. Then did reps with 16 kilo.
Alternative day:

PE = perceived exertion

Cleans@32: 5 reps *3 set pr. arm. (PE=7,5)
Waiters hold/walk@32 kilo: 2 sets pr. arm. (PE= 8)
1h swing@32: 6 reps pr. arm. (PE=6)
Goblet squat@32: 5 reps *3 set (PE= 5)

Especially the waiters hold felt very heavy. I push-pressed it up. Not sure what to do. Maybe I will work myself up from an easier weight like 24 or even 20.
I tested my suitcase cary with 32 kilo. I managed 1 minute and 10 seconds without too much effort.
I tested what I call straight arms cary ( you hold the weight around your navel with two hands)@28 kilo, 1 minute and 10 seconds.
I tested what I call rope biceps curl with a kettlebell. 32 kilo and 5 reps.
Week 3, session two with 28 kilo.

1h swings@28 kilo. 10 sets of 10 reps. Felt quite easy.

Still feeling tired. Not sore.

Yesterday I tried press with 32 kilo. Went fine on each side. I only tried one rep.
Week 3, session 3. Using the 28 kilo.

C&P@28/ (1,2,3)@5

1h swings@28: 4 sets of 7 reps.

Feeling tired. Will have to take some days off from ROP. Will do other lighter stuff. I have become bigger I think.
Week 4, session 1:

C&P@28: (1,2)*1, (1)*4
Snatch@24: 8 minutes: 35 reps. 4 reps pr. minute. 16 more and I will have done the snatch test.
Finised the work out with goblet squat: 36 kilo.
Week 4 session 2:

C&P@28: (1,2,3)*1 and (1,2)*4

That was yesterday when I also received my covid-19 vaccine. It hurt in my arm and after a while in my whole body, so did only pressing. No swings:

Today a bit better, only some pain in my arm. Did light swings with the 24 For 5 minutes. Then did some indoor bicycling for 15 minutes.
Week 4, session 3.

C&P@28: (1,2,3)*4 and (1,2,3,4)*1

This was actually quite hard. I would give it 8 in terms of of how hard it felt. It felt like I had little acid in the muscles, but I just started to feel a bit tired after a while. But once in a while it is good to struggle. I also did some pull-ups with neutral grip.

I did the swing part yesterday.

Now I will take three days off from ROP. Maybe only doing stretching, running and some other light stuff and prioritizing my sleep.
Week 5: session 1:

C&P@28: (1)*3 and (1,2)*2

Snatch@20: 8 minutes.

Slept badly so I went down half a pod in the snatch. I can focus more on technique when the weight is lighter.

Tip to myself to sleep better:

No coffee after 10 in the morning. Only two cups.
Start hydrating in the early evening.
No exercise after 7 in the evening.
No mobile after 19.00.
Week 5: Session 2.

C&P@28/ (1,2,3)*2 and (1,2)*3. This is heavy. I am feeling tired.

Kettlebell swing 1h@28: 11 minutes. Reps of ten. Not sure how many.

I will do the next session, the hard one for week 5. Then I will take one week off.
My goals:

40 kilo kettlebell military press. (current primary goal)
The snatch test with 24 kilo (current secondary goal)
S&S solid with 40 kilo in 9 minutes
Crawling for ten minutes
One rep with double military press: 36+40
Pavel clean and jerk program: Do the whole program with 1 arm 32 kilo
FSQ: 36+40 5 reps
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My goals:

40 kilo kettlebell military press. (current primary goal)
The snatch test with 24 kilo (current secondary goal)
S&S solid with 40 kilo in 9 minutes
Crawling for ten minutes
Pavel clean and snatch program: Do the whole program with 1 arm 32 kilo
FSQ: 36+40 5 reps
Stumbled upon your training log- they look like good solid goals! Good luck with them!.
C&P week 6, day 2:

CP@28/ (1,2,3)*3 and (1,2)*2 ** This is quite heavy, particularly the last rep in the last set of 3.

2h swing@36/ 7*7

I need more good food and more sleep.
C&P week 6, day 3:

CP28/ (1,2,3,4)*3 and (1,2,3)*2
Also did some pull ups.

2h swing@28: 4 minutes. 10 reps pr set.
C&P week 7, day 1:


C&P@20/ (1,2)*5

Snatch@16/ 11 minutes. Focus on technique.

Fun workout not hard. Got sweaty. Thought about the movement and correct technique. Nice.
Deload week 1, day two:

C&P@20/ (1,2,3)*5 ( important to tighten everything. I mean everything)

1h swing@20/ 10 minutes. (work further on proper breathing)
Normal training again:

C&P@28. (1,2)*4 and (1)*1

Snatch@20 kilo. 5 minutes.

I need to really sleep a lot more if I want to become much stronger.
Normal training.

C&P@28 medium day. (1,2,3)*4 and (1,2)*1

Swings 1h@24/ 9 minutes. Tried 11 minutes, but I aborted my mission because I felt too tired.

I was swinging the mace bell. Easier after training, then when doing it cold.

New PR: 30 reps each way with the round the world exercise. 6 kilo. I am going to push for PR more often.

Sleep is improving. And I bought the book about stress.
Normal training:

C&P28: (1,2,3,4)*4 and (1,2,3)*1

Quite heavy. Skipped the swing session. I need long breaks.
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