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Strong mobility

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Thursday 13th August
Mobility routine with indian clubs.

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 31 min, 310 reps
HR was just a bit higher than Tuesday's session, despite the fact that I did it after a few hours walking in the Slovak mountains. It was an easy walk, but still some activity for a few hours.
The program is going well so far.
Saturday 15th August

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps
I was able to push to 40 minutes without getting out or breathe. Heart rate went a bit high, but not that much more than last time.

Following the program, I should do two more sessions for 40 min, then up the density. I may stay a little more with 40 minutes and the same density, and see if I can get HR lower. That would still be improvement, and there is no rush!
Monday 17th August

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W4D1
2KB press.

I had an headache through the whole morning, and was basically unable to do anything useful. It had not happened in many many months, so I am not complaining. I used to have those much more frequently. And it was getting better, so I could do my training session.
With travel last week, I did not do any presses. Bringing two 24kg, a 28 and a 32 in addition to the 16 would have been excessive, considering that it was only a week. I re-started today the plan from last Monday. Done. Back on track.
Tuesday 18th August
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps
Repeating the same session for at least one more week, and possibly more before upping density. The goal is still to do the same work with less internal stress.

GTG swings alla Fabio with 32kg. I am sitting a lot these days with less walking, so I am giving this approach a try.
I started in the afternoon, so it will be less than 8 times today, but it is better to start now than tomorrow!
Wednesday 19th August

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W4D2

KB presses, KB loaded cleans.

GTG 1H-swings, EHOH, (32kg x 3/4) x 8
Thursday 20th August
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps
Good session, similar to last time, same internal cost (as estimated by HR), and as boring as usual.
Friday 21st August
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W4D3
2KB press.

GTG snatches, EHOH, (24kg x 3/4) x 8
To avoid bringing the 32kg with me, I substituted swings with lighter snatches. Works well too!
Sunday 23rd August

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps
Best HR profile ever on this plan. I need to compile all my data and see the evolution.
Two more sessions before upping density.
Monday 24th August
Registration to Prague's SFG2 in mid-November.
Now I have clear goals: own the 32kg press (still work to do!), and go back under 68kg.
Morning weight: 71,9kg, with some spare fat and a small beer gut. I plan to go under 68kg within two months, it should be relatively easy. I have done it every year in the past three years. Usually, simply reducing wine and beer is a big step toward this goal!

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W5D1
2KB presses.

GTG 1H-swings (32kg x 3/4) x 8 (one done so far, 7 more to go during the day).
I really like those GTG swings. It is easy and it allows me to practice heavier swings.
It will also solve my dilemna with snatches. I need to keep doing plan 060 (light snatches) if I want to get some benefits, so no Q&D or A&A. But I also need to practice heavy snatches to be ready when I come close to my snatch test in November. All I need is to do some heavier snatches sometimes in place of the swings, with the same template. Problem solved.
Tuesday 25th August
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps
And again a better HR profile...
From the external point of view, no differences. From the internal, it is becoming less and less taxing.
There are people who pretend that step loading does not work, because there is no additional stress. Well, let's them talk while I improve my aerobic performance.

GTG 1H-swings (32kg x 3/4) x 8 (4 before the snatch session, 4 after).
Wednesday 26th August
Morning weigth: 71,2kg. I expected the weight drop to be fast at the beginning. It will be harder when I get closer to 70kg.
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W5D2
KB presses.
Getting used to the heavier bell: 32kg clean and push-jerk. Neither a good jerk or a push press, but I got the bell to lockout and actively put it down. Still a lot of work to do. I need to be able to press any day by mid-November. So it is going to be a few jerks for a start, then long push press. Then, strict press?

GTG Snatch, 24kg, (3/4) x 8
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Thursday 27th August

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps.
Well, it did not start that well. I saw that my HR was quickly higher than the last few times. But by the end, it did not go as high (neither max or average) as I was afraid of. Funnily, the whole 40 min still was better, internally, than the 25 minutes when I started this cycle.
I'll stay one more week at this density. Let's consolidate.

And a usual, GTG Swings, 32kg, (3/4) x 8
Friday 28th August

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W5D3

2KB presses.
Lots of reps...
Sunday 30th August

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps.
Not the best, but not the worst either. Slightly better than last time. Adding to this that it is the weekend, that I did the session at 9AM (not my best time for performance), and that I had a few drinks yesterday, the result is still great.

During the day: SFG2 practice with 16kg (double snatch, windmill, bent press, push press, jerk).
Monday 31th August
Mobility with indian clubs.

SFG2 practice, with 16kg: windmill x 3, bent press x 1, Push press x 5, double snatch x 5, jerk x 5.

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W5D3
2KB press.

2KB front squat: (2 x 24kg) x 5/2
With the focus on the SFG2 in 2,5 months, I need to ensure I have a good front squat. So i restart a cycle of 2KB Front squat and pistols.

Here and there: GTG Snatch, 24kg, (3/4).
Tuesday 1st September
Mobility with indian clubs.

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps.
Almost the same as last time. Consolidating. One more session like this and I up density. I will enjoy the volume reduction!

GTG Snatch, 24kg, (3/4). Just a few.

SFG2 practice with 16kg. As i have 2,5 months, I just start with a daily practice with light weights. I am building a strength and conditioning basis with the rest of the program, so I can keep SFG2 skills on a purely technical level.
Wednesday 2nd September

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W6D2

KB presses.
24kg and 28kg. The 28kg felt so light I thought I was pressing the 24.
Some jerks with the 32kg, to get used to it, with a negative as active as I can.

GTG Snatch, 24kg, (3/4) a few times.
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Thursday 3rd September

Plan 060
Light snatches, 16kg, 40 min, 400 reps.
Keeping the same internal cost. No progress nor deterioration. Time to increase the density and see what happens.

Front squat: (2 x 28kg) x 5/2

GTG Snatch, 24kg, (3/4) a few times.
Friday 4th September

Plan 410A, Phase 2, W6D3
2KB press.
High volume (50 reps total) with 2x24kg.
I divided the sessions in two parts. 30 reps, then squats, then 20 reps.
2KB Front squats: (2 x 24kg) x 5/3

End of phase 2 with double presses. Next week, I start a new cycle. Heavier bell, but sut single press.

SFG2 practice: with 16kg. I do everything in a (quite) circuit except the push-press. Push press is no big deal (especially as I will have to do it with relatively light weights for me), but the jerk is off timing. So I will eliminate the push-press for some time and concentrate on improving the timing for the jerk.
Saturday 5th September

Plan 060, phase 2
Light snatches, 16kg, 20 min, 300 reps.
Upping density. 5 reps evey 20 sec. That was pretty intense and I for sure went above the threashold for a few sets by the end, but I wanted to reach at least 20 minutes. I will probably need to stay there for a while! I
Fortunately, in phase 2, the load varies, so next two sessions are going to be shorter. Uffff.

Now nothing but rest for the weekend!
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