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Barbell Waving

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Level 2 Valued Member
Time is the only control factor in life. We have a limited amount of it to use on training. I want to discuss the idea of waving time and load instead of total volume for the purpose of MASS GAIN.

If we trained in linear fashion 6 days @ 1hr each session we have 360 minutes a week.
Waving Time determines the amount of Volume we accumulate in each session.
We can manage fatigue by doing a specific amount of Reps(3) per Set and by enjoying ourself the Rest periods would be Auto-Regulated because some days our Mood is to just get the work DONE or to get at it HARD! The goal is to do As Many Reps in 9, 18, 12 & 21 minute-blocks with a Set intensity for each movement pattern (Squat, Hinge, Vertical-Pull/Press, Horiz-Pull/Press). Only waving the load intensity by week. Week1 @70%, W2 @85%, W3 @75%, W4 @80%, W5 @60%. Milking that intensity that week.

This is just some of my thoughts this morning. Not sure if its totally clear because I'm not qualified for such analysis since I'm out of the gym at the moment but I will definitely experiment with this when I get back into it.

Thank you for the time taken to read and respond.

% / time
min / move
min / day
I like the idea. Why 3 reps, when the goal is mass?

Also, what do you think about rotating exercise order during the week?
3 is half of 6 which is what Pavel says to do for mass in a podcast with Joe Rogan, "Do sets of 6 and enjoy it." And Fabio recommends leaving some in the tank. Of course many trainers in history have talked about staying fresh for each set. Plus 3 reps hits the strongest fibers, fast oxidative (FO) and fast glycolytic (FG). FO fibers use aerobic metabolism to produce ATP and produce higher tension contractions. These fibers only last <15 sec. So keeping sets short allows better recovery and your form/technique is sharper since focus is concentrated. Overall volume not reps per set like traditional lifting is what makes mass gains. I like to look at exercises as practice. When you work cutting down trees the movements are static and you adapt to your practice. Day in day out you grab your axe and go at it. There is but so many ways to swing an axe everyday to put food on the table. Personally I keep my exercise selection to a select few and practice them for that month or more and then switch. Weightlifting is a life long journey. I usually execute the exercise order the same throughout my cycle. It's a matter of practice and overall volume while managing fatigue and keeping technique intact that has shown me an enjoyable process of gains. I havent done this Variable Time Wave I post about but I have done my own auto-regulated training with sets of 6 reps while waving the load each set up or down while enjoying myself in the gym. I dont compete so for me its a hobby to be stronger than the average man. Ive been lifting since I was 17 and I havent had any major injuries plus I have hit very decent numbers for the nerd that I am. This past year was the most mass Ive gained using Dan John Mass Made Simple and tons of Fairlife milk and 0 meat, eggs or fish. Been a vegetarian for a decade now. Ive been laid off the weights for 3 months since I moved to a different state but soon I will be implementing this wave-style to experiment.

Fabio speaks of this type of waving but his focus is a bit more complex than mine.

I'm focusing on just waving time and load and letting the rest take care of itself. Most brick and timber workers experience this in their everyday job.
Isn't time in this example just another way of expressing volume? Five sets takes longer than three sets takes longer than one set. So the 9, 18, 12, 21 minute sessions in reality just mean the same as specifying (something like) 3, 6, 4, 7 sets.
Go to the gym and set a timer and work without worrying about how many reps/sets you get and experience the difference. It's the best way to know. Setting a goal for volume is another focus. Not having that goal and keeping track of time instead is what creates auto-regulation. Try it and get back at me.
What a bunch of useless analysis. Im glad I can look back at this and realize lifting weights is very simple. After giving up all my ideas I chose to do it as much as I could and have fun. Im in the best shape of my life now.
What a bunch of useless analysis. Im glad I can look back at this and realize lifting weights is very simple. After giving up all my ideas I chose to do it as much as I could and have fun. Im in the best shape of my life now.

In the first few years of strength training, sophisticated programming is not only unnecessary, it probably doesn't even make a difference.
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