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Adam R Mundorf -- Training Log

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Adam R Mundorf

Level 7 Valued Member
Age : 26

Background : I've been using kettlebells for about seven years. I've never made allot of progress because I've programmed hopped too many times to count. But I've never been completely inactive. That's allowed me to actually sustain an okay level of strength. I've always enjoyed the approach of StrongFirst and Pavel. I like how they promote safety,mobility and neurological strength. Do I think it's the only thing that works? No way and some people can be far to dogmatic about it. I find value in calisthenics, barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells. I definitely like kettlebells the most because that's what I began with.

I've had allot of nutrition problems in the past and I still have some tiny problems today. But I move back and forth from Warrior Diet to eating three evenly spaced meals a day. I definitely love the Warrior Diet more though. The nutrition problems I've conquered are the addiction to sugar, binge eating and extremism through diet.

Program : Rite of Passage

My Schedule :
  1. Monday
    1. Mobility Goblet Squats
    2. Light Day
  2. Tuesday
    1. Variety Day
      1. Heavier Goblet Squats
      2. Loaded Carries
      3. Turkish Get Ups
  3. Wednesday
    1. Mobility Goblet Squats
    2. Medium Day
  4. Thursday
    1. Variety Day
      1. Heavier Goblet Squats
      2. Loaded Carries
      3. Turkish Get Ups
  5. Friday
    1. Mobility Goblet Squats
    2. Off Day
  6. Saturday
    1. Mobility Goblet Squats
    2. Heavy Day
  7. Sunday
    1. Mobility Goblet Squats
    2. Off Day
I may add in some GtG for basic calisthenics or some grip work on variety days. Not sure yet, I'll have to see how my body feels and how my periodic tests go.
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  • Variety Day
    • 3 x 5 24kg Prying Goblet Squats
    • 5 x 5 24kg Loaded Cleans SSw/ 5 x 1 24kg TGU
    • 3 x 8 24kg TH Kettlebell Swing
    • 3 x 3 20kg Kettlebell Snatch
  • Variety Day
    • 3 x 5 -- 24kg Goblet Squat
    • 5 x 5 -- 24kg Cleans SSw/ 5 x 1 -- 24 kg TGU
    • 3 x 8 -- 24 kg Kettlebell Swing
    • 3 x 3 -- 20 kg Kettlebell Snatch
  • Flexible Steel - Escape Your Fighting Stance
  • Heavy Day
    • 4(1,2,3) 20kg C&P SSw/ 4(1,2,3) Chin Ups/Pull Ups
    • 9 min 20kg Hard Swings
  • Variety Day
    • 3 x 5 24kg Prying Goblet Squats
    • 5 x 5 24kg Loaded Cleans SSw/ 5 x 1 24kg TGU
    • 3 x 8 24kg TH Kettlebell Swing
    • 1 x 5 20kg Kettlebell Snatch
    • 2 x 3
  • Flexible Steel EYFS
  • Medium Day
    • 4(1,2)20kg C&P SSw/ 4(1,2) Chinups
    • 6 min Medium Effort 20kg Swings
I'm done doing EYFS. It just doesn't benefit me much. I already do allot of mobility work and perform goblet squats on the daily. If I'm honest I feel as though it detracts from my other mobility work.
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Off Day
  • 3 x 5 16kg Prying Goblet Squat w/lots of other mobility work
  • Every few hours on mostly my off days, I'll go outside with my dog and I'll press the 24kg once. Greasing the Groove a little.
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