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simple and sinister

  1. Denys Carthusian

    Kettlebell Modifying S&S With 5 Consecutive TGUs On Each Side

    The latest article to go up at Strong First had an interesting "hack" that I had not encountered before and was wondering if anyone has tried using it in S&S
  2. Denys Carthusian

    Kettlebell Adding deadlift days to Simple and Sinister

    Question: I'd like to start adding barbell deadlifts (for general health goals not for competing) alongside S&S and was wondering what articles or tips anyone has for me or perhaps previous threads.
  3. marklim81

    Kettlebell 1H Swing Progress and Avoiding Turkish Get Ups

    Hi! Checking back in with a bit of a progress update and some request for advice. Just managed 10x10 1H 16kg Kettlebell swings in 5 minutes. Coach Louca just commented to me on YouTube regarding completing S&S "It won't take long, brother. Give it about 3-4 months." Little does he know huh? I...
  4. Denys Carthusian

    Kettlebell Vanity Augmentation of S&S With Bicep Work

    Okay, okay. I admit I'm trolling a bit with that headline. For some reason I started getting a lot of strange YouTube video recommendations once I viewed a gymnastic bicep development video (which mentioned a chin up modified to target the biceps only) and got a surprising video recommendation...
  5. Kettlebell Success with 40kg

    Hi Forum, First off, a big word of thanks to all of you who participate here. I've come here often for inspiration and instruction and consider this community to be a big part of any strength gains I've made over the past few years. (Even though I don't post much). The other day I was...
  6. Tom Lavery

    Kettlebell Weight progression after time out

    I’ve been doing simple and sinister off and on for 5 years - consistency in periods then allowed myself to be weak. Have hit 32kg for all swings and started into 40kg. TGU hit 24kg moving into 32kg. Over a year ago. Reset to 24kg now 24/32/32/32/24kg for swings and 16kg, now 16/24/24/24/16...
  7. Adam R Mundorf

    Relax : Adam Mundorf

    Age 29 Gender Male Program Simple and Sinister to Timed Simple Standard What I've been Up To and the Reason for a New Log Just got done Phase 1 of Al and Danny Kavadlos 'Get Strong' Program. I wanted to do Phase 1 to give myself a break from the bells and to really determine where I...
  8. The Struggles Of A Perpetual Goal Hopper

    Greetings The Past I started practicing martial arts at the age of 5 with Tae Kwon Do. I competed in several track events and wrestling during high school. Did some Boxing, Kickboxing, Karate after graduation and joined the Military. I was in the process of getting ready to enter an amateur...
  9. StrongFirst

    Kettlebell [NEW ONLINE COURSE] Kettlebell Simple & Sinister

    Ladies and gentlemen, Kettlebell Simple & Sinister, the training program that has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world, is finally available as an online course. Watch a top quality instructional video featuring StrongFirst Certified Instructors @Pavel Macek and @Justyna...
  10. Kettlebell First Kettlebell Injury

    Greetings. First time poster. Have followed Pavel's kettlebell and deadlift programs ever since coming across one of his old RKC dvds 12 years ago and have replaced all of my kettlebells with Strongfirst brand. He's basically changed my life. But purchased the audiobook and kindle versions...
  11. WarrenEllis

    Kettlebell S&S and ROP

    Hey SFers. I’d like some opinions on whether I stand to notably lose progress with my current plan. Approximately 8 months ago, after a enjoying predominantly barbell training for a year or two, I decided to revisit my kettlebells and simple and sinister. I re-achieved the Simple standard, and...
  12. Kettlebell Simple Timed for a Cheapskate, and Onwards

    Hello all, Long time lurker, first time poster here. I've been following S+S for about the past year and last week got to feeling fully comfortable with Simple Timeless - I managed 6 sessions in 7 days, all with the 32kg, and felt great! Witness, if you will, my wonderfully neatly logged...
  13. Kettlebell S&S taking much longer than expected

    First, I am a BIG fan of S&S! I am 35 and in 8 months, I have achieved the most strength and conditioning I have had in my whole life. I am stronger (measured by deadlift, goblet squad, and bench) and more resilient (measured by ruck duration, ease, and speed, as well as overall mobility and...
  14. JR47

    Other/Mixed S&S + OS Resets?....

    Do you use the OS resets along with S&S? If so: How do you combine them, and what is the best 'recipe' you've found? And what improvements have you seen? Any and all genuine data points welcome.
  15. Kettlebell Swing form detail

    Assuming the hip hinge is explosive enough to raise the bell high enough, is one supposed to limit the height of their swing by a lat pull-down/decelerating action? Or is the "float" achieved by upward deltoid engagement? Background: I'm a skinny 5'7.5" and 130 lbs. I went to an SFG because I...
  16. Spikeman1444

    Spikeman1444 - Training Log

    Introduction Age 28 Gender Male Program Simple and Sinister Revised and Updated Background I originally came across Pavel from a high school friend back in 2010. Never really thought much of it until last September, I came across Pavel as a guest on the Joe Rogan experience! I...
  17. Kettlebell Shoulder stretches for simple and sinister

    Hi. I have been doing simple and sinister since April and it is one of the best things I have ever done. It has changed my life and I love every minute of it. I follow the book exactly. I perform the three warm up stretches beforehand and the two stretches afterward. I have met with an...
  18. Adam R Mundorf

    "No Choice. More Work." - Adam Mundorf Training Log

    Introduction - 08/07/2021 Reason for New Log I'm not proud of my program hopping or alterations I make to existing programs done by people far more advanced and smarter than me. I am creating this log for accountability, discipline and turning over a new training leaf of consistency. Age 28...
  19. Kettlebell S&S grip question

    In my S&S practice, I've noticed that I have the tendency to relax the grip at the top of the swing. Do you guys keep the grip tight through the whole 10 reps bout?
  20. acutaiar12

    Kettlebell Molecular Adaptations to S&S compared to A+A and Q&D

    Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having a great week. I have a bit of a science question today that I’ve been curious about for a while. What fascinates me about the Strong Endurance protocols is the looking at the cellular adaptations, especially of the mitochondria. So I have a couple questions...
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