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Kettlebell S&S and ROP

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Level 4 Valued Member
Hey SFers. I’d like some opinions on whether I stand to notably lose progress with my current plan.
Approximately 8 months ago, after a enjoying predominantly barbell training for a year or two, I decided to revisit my kettlebells and simple and sinister. I re-achieved the Simple standard, and then decided to revisit Right of Passage after.
I completed a round of the program with the 24 kg for c&p, 20kg for snatches, 32 kg for swings. I did Q&D on my off days, twice a week.
After the final week, I started another round with 28kg for presses, 20kg again for snatches, and 36kg for swings. Instead of Q&D, I ran and practiced pistol squats. I completed my final “hard day” today.
I haven’t yet tested my max reps with 32kg for presses.
My plan was to return to S&S to start chopping away toward Sinister, either going all the way or stopping mid way to ROP some more with the 32.

My question is, if I return to S&S to begin working toward Sinister, will I experience a notable decline in my pressing strength, compromising my potential ability to reproach ROP with the 32?

I understand principal of training, but I’d like to ultimately press 40kg, approximately half my bodyweight. I also think I need a break from ROP after two sequential cycles.
I would say probably yes if you did nothing but S&S, but at your level of S&S you’re probably best served by 3 days a week and adding some pressing in off days. Even as nothing more than maintenance levels you should be able to keep your press pretty steady for when you get back to it as a focus.
I think @Pavel Macek has a weekly SF skills review, pressing a 24 kg and maintaining quite a lot of strength with it.

Btw, I was just thinking of a mixed program of S&S and ROP. Not what you asked for, but maybe of interest:

Monday: Light Snatches for 10 minutes, medium presses.
Tuesday: S&S with 1H Swings
Thursday: Heavy presses without ballistics
Friday or Saturday: S&S, week 1: timed (8kg lighter); week 2: 2H swings

Progressing S&S at half pace (every 4 weeks with 4 kg, or every 8 weeks with 8 kg)
Progressing the heavy ROP day only when RPE of current heavy day is less than 8.
No light pressing day.
When in doubt prioritizing being fresh for presses.
Possibly shortening heavy ladders to 2,3,5.
will I experience a notable decline in my pressing strength, compromising my potential ability to reproach ROP with the 32?
Yes and no.
Your peak pressing capability will reduce. If you can press the 28 kg for 10, maybe you will make 8, for example. Which to me is notable. But not unrecoverable.
No, it won't compromise your potential ability. Just lengthen the route with the possible caveat that you may be less injury prone than if you just ploughed on.
Hey SFers. I’d like some opinions on whether I stand to notably lose progress with my current plan.
Approximately 8 months ago, after a enjoying predominantly barbell training for a year or two, I decided to revisit my kettlebells and simple and sinister. I re-achieved the Simple standard, and then decided to revisit Right of Passage after.
I completed a round of the program with the 24 kg for c&p, 20kg for snatches, 32 kg for swings. I did Q&D on my off days, twice a week.
After the final week, I started another round with 28kg for presses, 20kg again for snatches, and 36kg for swings. Instead of Q&D, I ran and practiced pistol squats. I completed my final “hard day” today.
I haven’t yet tested my max reps with 32kg for presses.
My plan was to return to S&S to start chopping away toward Sinister, either going all the way or stopping mid way to ROP some more with the 32.

My question is, if I return to S&S to begin working toward Sinister, will I experience a notable decline in my pressing strength, compromising my potential ability to reproach ROP with the 32?

I understand principal of training, but I’d like to ultimately press 40kg, approximately half my bodyweight. I also think I need a break from ROP after two sequential cycles.
There's a way to focus on moving towards sinister but maintaining the strength you gained from pressing :)

You do know how to run the 3-5 method and/or easy strength yes??
I appreciate the responses, everyone. I considered the option of implementing some presses in order to maintain, but I’m unaware of a protocol in order to do this. I’d expect my current ability would diminish to some extent, but I’d like to minimize it as much as possible.

Mark Limbaga. I don’t believe I’m aware of the 3-5 method. I own easy strength but I haven’t read it yet. I assumed it was a barbell program and not a kettlebell program. Can you advise further on 3-5 and/or whether easy strength covers kettlebell protocol?
I appreciate the responses, everyone. I considered the option of implementing some presses in order to maintain, but I’m unaware of a protocol in order to do this. I’d expect my current ability would diminish to some extent, but I’d like to minimize it as much as possible.

Mark Limbaga. I don’t believe I’m aware of the 3-5 method. I own easy strength but I haven’t read it yet. I assumed it was a barbell program and not a kettlebell program. Can you advise further on 3-5 and/or whether easy strength covers kettlebell protocol?
Easy strength is not really a program, it is a "programming philosophy" I guess, if I had to give it a name. I recommend reading the book, if you want to jump to the "meat" of the book, chapter 15 breaks down what defines easy strength, but you should read the whole thing together really.

My 2c.
Thanks Lais817. Unfortunately, on my end, the book appears to conclude with an eighth chapter, “learning your lessons,” and not a fifteenth.
Just a heads up that Dan's publisher OTP books lets people borrow his books for free on their site. Attempts has a section on easy strength that might be right what you are looking for.
Just a heads up that Dan's publisher OTP books lets people borrow his books for free on their site. Attempts has a section on easy strength that might be right what you are looking for.
Im beginning to wonder if my copy of Easy Strength by Tsatsouline and John is a different copy/edition than the one being discussed. 2011 dragondoor. 8 chapters. I did reference the ten principals on page 177 (kindle), which seem very in-line with all of the other literature I’ve read, such as NW and PTTP.
Im beginning to wonder if my copy of Easy Strength by Tsatsouline and John is a different copy/edition than the one being discussed. 2011 dragondoor. 8 chapters. I did reference the ten principals on page 177 (kindle), which seem very in-line with all of the other literature I’ve read, such as NW and PTTP.
Mine is 8 chapters as well. I just checked amazon and that is the same too. I'm fairly confident that there is only one edition.

So you aren't crazy.
I brought up Attempts because Dan has been refining ES for a decade since that book came out and has little updates in almost all his books.
Mine is 8 chapters as well. I just checked amazon and that is the same too. I'm fairly confident that there is only one edition.

So you aren't crazy.
I brought up Attempts because Dan has been refining ES for a decade since that book came out and has little updates in almost all his books.
And, if all goes well, there will be two updated books on ES in autumn, one by Pavel and one by Dan John, both edited by Laree Draper.
And, if all goes well, there will be two updated books on ES in autumn, one by Pavel and one by Dan John, both edited by Laree Draper.
I'm really looking forward to those! Is she the one that has been editing Dan's recent books over at OTP?
That’s great. I also enjoy Dan John’s work and was wondering if any more Pavel literature would be releasing.

So. I would be best served to begin Sinister, practicing 32kg presses on my off days in a gtg/pttp manner, totaling 5-10 reps per practice?
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