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Adam R Mundorf -- Training Log

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Tested my 5 to 8 rep max today. The 16kg is way too light. The 20kg is 12 reps. The 24kg is at a comfortable 8 reps per arm. That will be my bell. Tested my chin ups, I have been gaining weight but I'm holding steady at 5 strict, 2 second up 2 second down chin ups.
Rite of Passage : Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Horizontal Pullup
  • 3 minute 20kg Snatch
    • 3L/3R each Minute
    • 18 total Snatches
Rite of Passage : Medium Day
  • 3(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2) Horizontal Pull
  • 6 minute 24kg Medium Effort Swings
Rite of Passage : Heavy Day
  • 3(1,2,3) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2,3) Horizontal Pull Up
  • 6 minute 24kg Swings Hard Effort
Rite of Passage : Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Horizontal Pull Up
  • 7 minute 20kg Snatch
    • 3L/3R each Minute
    • 42 Total Snatches
Rite of Passage : Medium Day
  • 3(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2) Horizontal Pull
  • 6 minute 24kg Swing Medium Effort
Rite of Passage : Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Horizontal Pullup
  • 5 minute 20kg Snatch
    • 3L/3R each Minute
    • 30 total Snatches
Rite of Passage : Medium Day
  • 3(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2) Horizontal Pull
  • 7 minute 24kg Moderate Effort Swings
Rite of Passage : Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Horizontal Pullup
  • 6 minute 20kg Snatch
    • 3L/3R each Minute
    • 36 total Snatches
Closed Thread. (Continue Discussion of This Topic by Starting a New Thread.)
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