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Adam R Mundorf -- Training Log

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Variety Day
  • 4(1) 28kg Turkish Get Up
    • Superset
  • 4(5) 28kg Deadlift
My 28kg bell from Kettlebells USA showed up yesterday. I'll be honest, it doesn't sit as comfortably in the rack as my Dragondoor bells. It's a tiny bit painful on the forearm because of the different diameters but I'm already getting used to it.
Beginning new RoP cycle with 28kg. Was able to press it 8 times per arm. This will allow me to cycle the volume down a little bit as my work schedule is still uncertain, physical and a little hectic.

My goal for this cycle is to really make daily mobility work and sleep a priority.
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Off Day

An off day for me still means :
  • 10,000 Steps per Day
  • Gripper work via Grease the Groove
  • Mobility and Active Flexibility including goblet squats
Simple and Sinister
  • Warm-Up
    • 3 x 5 16kg Prying Goblet Squat with Curl
    • 3 x 5 StrongFirst Hip Bridge
    • 3 x 5 (each direction) 16kg Kettlebell Halo
  • Swings
    • 5 x 10 Two Handed 24kg Swing
  • Turkish Get Up
    • 5 x 1 16kg Turkish Get Up
  • Stretches
    • 3 Circuits before Bed
      • 90/90 Stretch
      • QL Stretch
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