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Bodyweight Advice on Easy Strength for Bodyweight

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User 7569

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to construct an Easy Strength workout for myself and would like a little input.

Basically, five days a week, per Easy Strength 40 day workout:

10 reps for
Cardio Squat (alternating Pistols)
(all done bodyweight)

50 reps for

Kettlebell swing w/ 24kg

and five reps for

TRX ab rollout

I'm pretty sure that's how it's done. Been reading Easy Strength for a few months now.

A few questions:

will easy strength help keep me fresh? I'm a physical laborer and can't afford to be burnt out from the workout, that's why i've drifted towards daily training

what benefits can I expect from this program, besides getting better at each exercise?

can I add some grip work to the program? captains of crush style?

Will some rucking be suitable conditioning for an easy strength program?

will easy strength help keep me fresh?
I think it will keep you perfectly fresh. However, it may also depends on your physical abilities (and recovery ability) before starting the program. Plus, it may also depends on your job (if it involves lots of walk, lifting, etc...)

what benefits can I expect from this program, besides getting better at each exercise?
Regarding the exercises you do, I think you'll get a decent conditioning level (swings + cardio pistols).
Regarding strength, once again, it depends on your current level. I am not sure you will gain "a lot of" strength. 10 dips + 10 chins are not that demanding (IMO). Then, to gain some arm strength, I'd keep the combination push / pull because it works an agonist / antagonist pair, but I'd use a weight. Targetting something like 3 or 4 reps a day (using the "daily dose principle": about 70-80% of your max). I did it to get the OAC, it worked like a charm and I recovered well.

Otherwise, would you be interested by a standard S&S practice ? (plus adding some pull ups and or abs training 3 times a week)

Will some rucking be suitable conditioning for an easy strength program?
I think so !

Kind regards,

It looks good to me.
I think you can gain strength by adding weight to your chins and dips. 10 reps with a lot if weight cab be hard (think 3x3). Of coures don't go too hard every day.

I should have clarified that I wanted to center my training around chins and dips, even if they need to be weighted for lower reps.

I figured Easy Strength would accomplish that. Thanks for the clarity.

How to Train for Mass With Chins and Dips

Perhaps S and S warmup + S and S swing protocol + chins and dips program would be appropriate

I'm currently low on recovery abilities, I must say. Not so much that strength training isn't still beneficial, but I've definitely had to dial back lately due to the working I'm doing.

thanks pet'
@Jak Nieuwenhuis, do you need any additional conditioning, given what you do all day long?

Perhaps barbell deadlifts or two-kettlebell front squats are a better choice than chins and dips - things to build some strength in a way that's at a higher level of intensity from what you do all day, in order to make your daily activities eventually a lower percentage of your limit strength. I would think - just my gut reaction here - that this would be the way to go for you unless, of course, you are bending over picking up really heavy things all day long.

My guess is you are well aware of this but speaking from experience, a good reminder always be helpful:

In regards to "staying fresh" I would suggest laying out a good template as you have done and are working on, but don't get married to the programming. Just like with LSD conditioning, go by how you feel. On days you don't feel "up to it" and either cut back reps or sets or even just do an extra deloaded stretching day, it will likely feel like you are short circuiting your progress. But much more and faster will be gained by not burning out.
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