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Bret S. training log

AM - 2.25 mi walk

WU row
High pull - 16 x 5 @28k
14 ct. NS burpee w/jump & 2 pullup x 10
Gorilla row - 5 x 8+8 alt. @28k
2k finishing row - 10:30 DF 28 SR 20-23 Getting a feel for the C2 machine
Hang 90 sec with pullups on the :30
Mile walk later
Screenshot 2022-11-18 4.33.11 PM.png
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2.6 mi run/walk

Mace rear pendulums - 4 x 30 @22lb (been working these as a side bar)

ST work
1/2 snatch test @16k - 1 hand switch, time 2:07
Rest a bit, then the other half, same format, time 2:07

22 count NS burpee with jump and 3 pullup x 6

Gorilla row - alt 8 + 8 @28k x 5

Hang 90 sec
This one got my attention, different from recent.Screenshot 2022-11-21 3.26.56 PM.png