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Kettlebell Built Strong Minimalist

Great progress. I see that you have gained 3 kg. Is that the muscle mass that you wished for? And how are things going 5-6 weeks later?
I may need to add that i was on easy muscle from geoff neupert before and went on with BSMand therefor i tried to gain mass for 16 weeks with both programms i got similar results and went from low 64kg to high 69kg but not all of it was muscle. As i don't have the opportunity to messure i can only estimate and think i gained about 1kg of fat over the 16 weeks and the rest is muscle.
After i finished BSM i continiued with geoffs experimental Maximorum and stopped to eat for gaining mass. I tried to hold on to my weight. As the weeks went on i lost the extra fat and would say i am, concerning fat, where i started before my weightgain but now stabalized between 68kg and 69kg.
In the near future (after finishing Maximorum) i will also do More Kettlebell Muscle from Geoff and compare to the other muscle building programs i tried before. I aim to get another 3kg.

In conclusion i stand by my words Built Strong Minimalist works and i indeed put on some muscle which ist stable.
Not gonna lie, I keep nerding out on this plan..

Gonna ask this since I'm sure someone is gonna ask it at one point (or probably has

@Fabio Zonin is it possible to mix and match the intensities? For example using mild for presses and tough for pulls??

Of course this is given you have at least one block under your belt as a minimum
While we are at it: Yesterday I played around with a relatively minimalist VLOOKUP function (no macros involved) to create tables for all weeks and days, to simplify my thinking during sessions. Here is a fictitious example of how that could look like for week 2:
BTS3 Daily Screenshot.JPG
Honestly, I am not sure, as this decision is up to the publisher. I cannot 100% guarantee it, but I think they will be released as a stand alone product (it will be one product featuring both BTS4 and BTS6), but allowing those who have purchased the minimalist version to get it at a way lover price. I will ask the publisher for this info, as we haven't really discussed it yet.
Sir, any news about the timing of those products? Those new books? Or book?
While we are at it: Yesterday I played around with a relatively minimalist VLOOKUP function (no macros involved) to create tables for all weeks and days, to simplify my thinking during sessions. Here is a fictitious example of how that could look like for week 2:
View attachment 20245
Thanks for the tip!

I finally have the book and cleared my mind of the confusion in between the SF letter dice based program versus the BS Minimalist.

I love this look. I will try to play with the function to get a similar look.

I love the book, and I also love my current dice based program. First of all I want to finish my current cycle, then run it for another cycle then move to BS Minimalist.
Hi @Fabio Zonin , I hope you don't mind another question regarding the die roll plan from the newsletter:

The volume seems to be a lot. 50 reps on average per exercise = 150 per week = 600 per month (per exercise!). Much more volume than in the BTS3 versions (which, however include higher intensities). Could you comment on this?

Currently in week 4 of the program (1st cycle BTS3 - regular). Think twice if you choose the Zercher Squat as your squat movement.
All in all it's getting more intense than i would like in combination with regular sports training.
Currently in week 4 of the program (1st cycle BTS3 - regular). Think twice if you choose the Zercher Squat as your squat movement.
All in all it's getting more intense than i would like in combination with regular sports training.
May I ask your age and sports and frequency and intensity of your sports training?

Which one do u think is more taxing? Heavy days? Medium or Light depending on volume? Did you cend up selecting towards the higher rep range of selections or lover in the first place?

Sorry many questions but I love the program and trying to learn it better.
Of course, you're welcome!
Age 30, before (end of last year) BTS3 I did 4-5 grappling sessions per week.
Currently I'm training 3-4 times a week (1 x wrestling training, which is by far the most taxing one).
Overall I'd say it's quite intense, depending on the intensity and duration of sparring rounds.

I have chosen a 5 RM and 9 RM for H/M Zercher Squat (setup without a rack).
For me the ZSQ is kind of a weak link, so I try to bring up my numbers (Goal is at least 125% BW 1RM).
I'm still hoping to get used to the pain in the crook of my arms :D
Of course, you're welcome!
Age 30, before (end of last year) BTS3 I did 4-5 grappling sessions per week.
Currently I'm training 3-4 times a week (1 x wrestling training, which is by far the most taxing one).
Overall I'd say it's quite intense, depending on the intensity and duration of sparring rounds.

I have chosen a 5 RM and 9 RM for H/M Zercher Squat (setup without a rack).
For me the ZSQ is kind of a weak link, so I try to bring up my numbers (Goal is at least 125% BW 1RM).
I'm still hoping to get used to the pain in the crook of my arms :D
Thanks :) you are in a different league than me :))) but good to learn.
Hi everyone,

Before starting a BTS3 plan soon, I wanted to know which days and weeks will be the most intense. I will try to match this to some of my work-related constraints. For example, a heavy training week should not coincide with a business trip.

Column 1 = relative intensity per exercise per block (PlanStrong style)
Column 2 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the session will be overall
Column 3 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the week will be overall

BTS3 intensities per exercise, session and week.JPG
Green = easiest
Red = heaviest

Beware of week 4 and 6 :)
Hi everyone,

Before starting a BTS3 plan soon, I wanted to know which days and weeks will be the most intense. I will try to match this to some of my work-related constraints. For example, a heavy training week should not coincide with a business trip.

Column 1 = relative intensity per exercise per block (PlanStrong style)
Column 2 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the session will be overall
Column 3 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the week will be overall

View attachment 20560
Green = easiest
Red = heaviest

Beware of week 4 and 6 :)
Some folk write about taking a week or two between programmes but I always feel you can jump straight into a Fabio programme as the first week is nice and gentle :-)
Hi @Fabio Zonin , I hope you don't mind another question regarding the die roll plan from the newsletter:

The volume seems to be a lot. 50 reps on average per exercise = 150 per week = 600 per month (per exercise!). Much more volume than in the BTS3 versions (which, however include higher intensities). Could you comment on this?

I got the chance to chat with Fabio and got to ask a few of my questions.

According to Fabio, 600 reps per month per exercise is fine (and actually very good for hypertrophy), because the die roll plan from the newsletter is based on a 10RM, roughly 70% of 1RM to start with.

A build-up period can be a good idea, if you are not sure that you can handle it (for example by rolling again when rolling a 6).
I got the chance to chat with Fabio and got to ask a few of my questions.

According to Fabio, 600 reps per month per exercise is fine (and actually very good for hypertrophy), because the die roll plan from the newsletter is based on a 10RM, roughly 70% of 1RM to start with.

A build-up period can be a good idea, if you are not sure that you can handle it (for example by rolling again when rolling a 6).

You can always run that same plan with a lighter pair initially to build momentum then jump into the plan on cycle 2 with your target weights.. that's what I did
@Fabio Zonin :
Pavel recommended that I build some muscle with double bells before continuing with my current strength training work.

I am currently weighing my options and thinking out loud about this in various threads on the forum :)

I have some questions for you on BTS plans (BTS Minimalist, and the die roll version from the newsletter):
  1. Do you think it could work with Presses and Front Squats only? In the past I tended to get elbow issues from full ROM pulling. Maybe easy Swings on off-days could fill the pulling gap. Or C&P instead of MP? And maybe going one plan variation heavier (tough instead of regular, e.g.)
  2. While rest periods are not specified, is there something like too much rest for BTS?
  3. Do you think Push Presses could work as one pressing variation?
  4. Is there a recommended cycle duration for the die roll plan?
  5. Would you recommend a break-in period for the die roll plan (omitting the 8 ladder option)?
Thank you in advance. I really like the concept of BTS. Looks like a really flexible and adaptable system.
Fabio was so kind to answer my questions elsewhere, and I will pass them along to the community.

Do you think it could work with Presses and Front Squats only? In the past I tended to get elbow issues from full ROM pulling. Maybe easy Swings on off-days could fill the pulling gap. Or C&P instead of MP? And maybe going one plan variation heavier (tough instead of regular, e.g.)
"Of course! A super-minimalist version. The reason behind the three movements, is that it's the perfect balance between a minimalist plan and the minimum effective dose for hypertrophy.​
But as you add swings and/or cleans into the mix, you are "de facto" adding a pull. So it's not actually a 2-movement only plan, but still a 3-movement plan."​

While rest periods are not specified, is there something like too much rest for BTS?

"Not really, at least for strength. As long as you complete your prescribed NL within the day, you will basically enjoy the same results. Let's say your day calls for 6 ladders: you could do 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 in the evening. Actually, 2-1-3 would be even better... delta 20! ;)

For hypertrophy it may be a little different (I don't have precise data on this), but it should still work."​

Do you think Push Presses could work as one pressing variation? (For example, when you have limited bells and need something heavier for the 4-7 RM zone.)

"Yes, it would, but not as much as the military press, at least for hypertrophy. This is because in the push press the legs will take over the work of bringing the bells from the rack to the sticking point, which is done by the delts (and other muscles) in the military press. So it would work, but wouldn't be as effective. Unless, you add a slow and controlled negative on the way down. Hey, if you don't have the needed size available, finding alternative solutions, even if not super-ideal, is pure gold!"​
Hi everyone,

Before starting a BTS3 plan soon, I wanted to know which days and weeks will be the most intense. I will try to match this to some of my work-related constraints. For example, a heavy training week should not coincide with a business trip.

Column 1 = relative intensity per exercise per block (PlanStrong style)
Column 2 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the session will be overall
Column 3 = sum of those intensities to get an idea of how intense the week will be overall

View attachment 20560
Green = easiest
Red = heaviest

Beware of week 4 and 6 :)
Spreadsheets & colors... it can't hardly get any better...
Just finished the program today. I chose the medium version.

Workout format:

A1: heavy

B1: medium

B2: light

Breaks were auto regulated.

Kettlebell front squat with 2 x 28 kg
Old RM 6 - New RM 10

Military press with 1 x 24 kg
Old RM 4 - New RM 8 for both L & R

Pull ups with 15 pound backpack
Old RM 5 - New RM 7

I added a few carries after the work out(dropped them on week 6 as the volume increased) and a couple of sets of ab wheel.

Very happy with the results. Gained around 5 pounds. Mostly muscle i think took some pictures before and judged after wards. Midsection looks a little better if you close one eye and squint lol

Very happy with the results. I plan on running this program a couple of times a year. Thank you @Fabio Zonin.
Good afternoon folks,
Just purchased this program. and feeling excited.
After some health set backs I'm finally feeling like my old self again so want to replace some of the lost strength/ muscle.
As I have only a couple of bells is there any reason why I cant use resistance bands in this program as either a substitute for Iron in some exercises or indeed compliment resistance to the bells?

Appreciate your opionions/ advice on this.
Good afternoon folks,
Just purchased this program. and feeling excited.
After some health set backs I'm finally feeling like my old self again so want to replace some of the lost strength/ muscle.
As I have only a couple of bells is there any reason why I cant use resistance bands in this program as either a substitute for Iron in some exercises or indeed compliment resistance to the bells?

Appreciate your opionions/ advice on this.
What kind of exercises would you do with the bands?

If they help you to have some interesting variations that fit the different intensity zones, why not.
What kind of exercises would you do with the bands?

If they help you to have some interesting variations that fit the different intensity zones, why not.
Was thinking maybe overhead banded squats and banded rows.
Then add then in for assited pull ups.
I've obviosly not planned what specific exercises I'll do yet as still reading through the program, but think the bands might be a good bridge for the limited equipment. atleast until I can afford to add some more KB.
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