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Kettlebell Built Strong Minimalist

I'd love to know when the other 2 plans mentioned in BTS Minimalist will be released
Aren‘t they all in the excel?

No, Fabio hinted that there are additional programs he is working on releasing.

3 version of BTS3 are included, but there will apparently be separate BTS4 and BTS6 products
I have already shot the videos of the additional Hip hinge exercise and now working on the plans. Once ready Strong and Fit will decide when they will release, but I think it will be spring 2023
Is there any particular reason that the deadlift was not included in the list of exercises for this program? Is it simply because it doesn't stimulate hypertrophy in a similar fashion to the other included exercises?
Being this a minimalist program based on three movements only I had to chose one lower body exercise. Since it's focused on hypertrophy, between a squat and a deadlift, the former gives a bigger bang to the buck in terms of muscle growth. And you can still do your hinges by doing swings on alternate days.
A follow up to that question? Would it be acceptable to simply use the spreadsheet to include deadlifts as my pull exercise? I was considering choosing Floor Presses, KB front squats, and Deadlifts as my exercise selection.
Of course, you may certainly do that. Of course, squat and deadlifts on the same sessions will become very challenging.
Alternatively could one substitute the Trap Bar Deadlift as a squat movement for the purpose of this program? In this case my exercise cluster would likely be Floor Press, Trap Bar Dead, and pullups.
I like it! The trap bar DL is a very good compromise between a barbell deadlift and a squat.

I hope this helps, Ben!
Thanks for the responses @Tjerr and @Fabio Zonin!

I think that makes a lot of sense. After taking that into consideration I think I will give the program a shot using the trap bar DL as the lower body movement. Generally, I find that it tends to be a bit easier on my knees than Squats or DL's. My next training block starts in three weeks so I'll jump into it then and see how it goes. Looking forward to it.
@Fabio Zonin Thanks for releasing this program; the programming is excellent, and the instructional videos are helpful as always. I'm just now starting my first run through it with a wide variety of exercises. I have a couple of questions/suggestions:

1- You mentioned in a comment that for maximum hypertrophy you recommend doing different exercises for the H/M/L of each modality instead of just having 3 total exercises. Can you explain that a little bit more (and if the answer is, come to the seminar that's okay).
2- In future versions of the excel workbook it could be really helpful to have Session Tabs in addition to the Press/Pull/Squat tabs where the different exercises for a given day are all on one tab for printing. I have everything printed out and hanging on the wall, but that would be an easier way to work through a day. I'd be happy to edit a version like that if you wanted me to :)
3- Do you anticipate doing the Built Strong workshop in person again? The Minimalist information has given me more patience but only made me more excited to do that course, and I'd rather wait to do it in person if you think that will happen.

You're not alone in hoping that the course the course gets offered in person again since I would prefer to attend in that fashion

And I also await the further revisions to the already awesome plan
just bought the program, I'm excited to start it and get my butt whipped into shape , though I would like to ask Mr. Fabio a few questions:

- will the BTS4 and BTS6 plans be released as additions/ updates for the Built Strong Minimalist/BTS3 program we've purchased, or will they be separate products of their own?

I noticed a 4th part in the videos section that's not yet released that I believe Mr. Fabio said will cover a Hinge movement, which led me to think it will be the aforementioned BTS4 plan, am I correct to assume this?

- and while I only read through the PDF and glanced shortly at the videos, I didn't find instructions for how to go about with our warm-up procedures, can I ask for a clarification on this?
just bought the program, I'm excited to start it and get my butt whipped into shape , though I would like to ask Mr. Fabio a few questions:

- will the BTS4 and BTS6 plans be released as additions/ updates for the Built Strong Minimalist/BTS3 program we've purchased, or will they be separate products of their own?

I noticed a 4th part in the videos section that's not yet released that I believe Mr. Fabio said will cover a Hinge movement, which led me to think it will be the aforementioned BTS4 plan, am I correct to assume this?

- and while I only read through the PDF and glanced shortly at the videos, I didn't find instructions for how to go about with our warm-up procedures, can I ask for a clarification on this?
sorry, forgot to @Fabio Zonin
@Fabio Zonin Thanks for releasing this program; the programming is excellent, and the instructional videos are helpful as always.
Thank you, Sir!

1- You mentioned in a comment that for maximum hypertrophy you recommend doing different exercises for the H/M/L of each modality instead of just having 3 total exercises. Can you explain that a little bit more (and if the answer is, come to the seminar that's okay).
Please allow me to explain. It is not about maximizing hypertrophy in general, but more about the ability to direct the adaptation towards specific muscle groups. For instance, the bench press certainly involves the pecs as part of the chain of muscles which are involved in the lift. But if we add also the dumbbell bench press, it is possible to shift most of the attention to the pecs. It is still not an isolation exercise, but there will be more involvement of the pecs. The same applies if we add some front squats in addition to the back squats and so on and so forth. Then, in some Built Strong plans (not this one offered on Strong and Fit) there is the option to add also some direct muscle work (isolation exercises). I hope this explains

2- In future versions of the excel workbook it could be really helpful to have Session Tabs in addition to the Press/Pull/Squat tabs where the different exercises for a given day are all on one tab for printing. I have everything printed out and hanging on the wall, but that would be an easier way to work through a day. I'd be happy to edit a version like that if you wanted me to :)
This is a great idea, and I would be very grateful if you would show me some templates, they may be very useful for me to improve the layout of the plans in the future. Thank you, Sir!

3- Do you anticipate doing the Built Strong workshop in person again? The Minimalist information has given me more patience but only made me more excited to do that course, and I'd rather wait to do it in person if you think that will happen.
Actually, unlikely Plan Strong, which was launched as an in-person event, we have never ran an in-person version of Built Strong, as the very first one happened while I was still in lockdown here in Italy. But I am definitely all for an in person edition in the future, I am a big fan of in person events.
- will the BTS4 and BTS6 plans be released as additions/ updates for the Built Strong Minimalist/BTS3 program we've purchased, or will they be separate products of their own?
Honestly, I am not sure, as this decision is up to the publisher. I cannot 100% guarantee it, but I think they will be released as a stand alone product (it will be one product featuring both BTS4 and BTS6), but allowing those who have purchased the minimalist version to get it at a way lover price. I will ask the publisher for this info, as we haven't really discussed it yet.

I noticed a 4th part in the videos section that's not yet released that I believe Mr. Fabio said will cover a Hinge movement, which led me to think it will be the aforementioned BTS4 plan, am I correct to assume this?
You are correct, Sir.
There will be extra videos covering the hip hinge, which I have already shot, by the way. And this will cover the needs of both BTS4 and BTS6. This is because the Horizontal Press, Vertical Press, Horizontal Pull, and Vertical Pull patterns are already covered under Upper body Press and Upper Body Pull, respectively.

- and while I only read through the PDF and glanced shortly at the videos, I didn't find instructions for how to go about with our warm-up procedures, can I ask for a clarification on this?
Actually I didn't include warm-up/movement prep because I was asked to focus on the core of the program and the related exercises. However I think you are right, I should probably shoot and write something and ask the publisher to update the files.

Thank you so much for the suggestion
This is a great idea, and I would be very grateful if you would show me some templates, they may be very useful for me to improve the layout of the plans in the future. Thank you, Sir!
Hi @Fabio Zonin
I am not Conor but I had the same idea for myself, hence I gave written a macro that generates this type of calendar (as the formulas were getting very cumbersome, a macro simplifies it). if interested I can DM it to you, feel free to use!


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I have received a quite surprising amount of questions and requests around the macro version :) I will answer each one of them
However since it is essentially an amendment to a program by Fabio and Strong & Fit and their IP I am in no way or shape in a position or willing to share this other than with Fabio... I hope you all understand!

Thanks a lot!

For those who are already running BS-Minimalist:
How long are your sessions currently taking? Did you add some conditioning, AGT to it?
Not yet in the heaviest week, but around 20-30 minutes so far, depending on the day and the lifts. High volume presses takes longer then Squats because you need to double them.

I don't time my rest, and I don't use the slow circuit, I do the first set, rest until i'm ready and do the next one. So far, never missed a lift.

I did Kettlebells Strongfirst as conditioning, don't need the hypertrophic aspect from S&S while doing BuiltStrong ;)
For those who are already running BS-Minimalist:
How long are your sessions currently taking? Did you add some conditioning, AGT to it?
It’s about 15-25 minutes for me too, still having hit the peak weeks. I do the circuit, and right now I don’t add anything to it. It’s usually a pretty short time that I have available. I do Iron Cardio and heavy TGUs on alternate days.
It’s about 15-25 minutes for me too, still having hit the peak weeks. I do the circuit, and right now I don’t add anything to it. It’s usually a pretty short time that I have available. I do Iron Cardio and heavy TGUs on alternate days.
That‘s interesting. Aren‘t you pressing too much? Isn‘t there any interference between those two programs?
I see Built Strong Minimalist by Fabio advertised on the Strong and Fit page. Looks to be a digital product. Link not working though. Anyone got any more details on this?
You have to set up an account and then verify your email address.
Then if that doesn't work contact customer service
For those who are already running BS-Minimalist:
How long are your sessions currently taking? Did you add some conditioning, AGT to it?
I'm in week 3 now. The previous sessions took about 20-30 min to complete in a circuit-style training (following the 'tough'-template).
On the off-days I'm doing timeless 100-swings with a medium weight kb for me, which comes down to about EMOM x 10reps.

I think it's an awesome program! I did some of Geoff Neupert's programs before (Strong and Giant), which were super effective for strength and musclemass but I did miss some variety.

I'm very curious about the results after completion of the first cycle, but I think I'll stay on this program for quite some time !
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