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Kettlebell Kettlebell military press and dips

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You can do what you like really all I will add to this is... I have done the ROP multiple cycles for a number of years now with ZERO shoulder problems. This is with pressing 24/28/32kg bells for reps and snatching the 24kg. In between that would be runs of Simple and Sinister with 28/32kg bells on TGU's. Not sure if mixing Dips in there is a good idea is all I am saying. If you like dips do them outside of that cycle.
Think about doing ROP with the regular press and pull up ladders, but substitute out the swings with squats. And maybe take a break from weighted dips until after you finish your ROP cycle.

Or you could do an Easy Strength cycle with the following five exercises (just for example): wighted dips, pull ups, press, rows, squats
Ok, thanks guys for your help, probably I give up with this dips and simply start doing ROP and when I finish it I'll do dips instead military press.
But I have one more question, maybe two :) Can I do S&S and ROP in blocks, you know like in Return of the Kettlebells, has it any sense? And second question: Can I perform dips in S&S cycle? S&S is not very exhausting so it may be good idea, what is your opinion?
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Adding dips to S&S would be fine

As for your other question, I dont think cycling ROP and S&S like in return of the kettlebell is a good idea. In that model you cycle the workout every two weeks and I would think it would be better to stay on ROP or S&S longer before switching, but I havent personally tried it. I would think it would be better to have something like a 6 or 8 week block of S&S then switch to ROP for 6 to 8 weeks, and cycle that way rather than every two weeks. But just my opinion, I have never tried it myself.
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