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Lady Strong!

On Tuesday I went through some lifts from SFG1 and 2, just to check on my technique before recert (2x12kg):

- double cleans 3x5
- double front squat 3x5
- push press 5x5
- jerks 5x5
- double snatch 3x5
- get-ups: 3x5, 16kg

Today rest, tomorrow recert, and on the weekend - SFG1 - for the first time in Prague!
Thursday - recertification (SFG1, SFG2)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday - SFG!

That was very intense, but great weekend. I was happy to have my students there with me - as a assistants and participants, they did good job!


Monday - few presses and pull-ups

Today's training - coming back to normal regime:

- "Escape Your Fighting Stance"
- windmills and goblet squats: 16kg, 3x5
- deadlift: 70kg, 3x3
- front squat: 30kg, 3x3
- presses: 18kg (1-2-3)x3
Today's training, in the morning:

- testing for 1RM for barbell front squat: 60kg
- 1RM for deadlift: 90kg - after almost one year of not pulling it's the same as it was = so it's good

- pull-ups: (1-2-3)x5 = 30 reps
- pressy, 18kg: (1-2-3)x3
- stretching for side splits

Finally, on Monday I will start new program (Plan Strong) from Fabio. Can't wait.
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Wow, strong front squat! That is not easy.

Which lift will you be doing on the Plan Strong program? I am doing a Bench Press program now from Fabio, Plan Strong. I am just finishing Week 2. I love it!
@Anna C - bench press - wow! Are you doing any other lifts except bench press? How often do you train?

I have combination of pull-ups, presses, deadlift & front squat. I can't wait for Monday!
Today's training:

- get-ups: 20, 20, 24, 24, 20 kg
- 2-hand swings: 24kg, 10x10

Short & sweet. Feeling good.
@Anna C - bench press - wow! Are you doing any other lifts except bench press? How often do you train?

Only the bench press on the Plan Strong plan, and it is 3x/wk, but I mix in other things too. Here is my training log for this week and if you scroll backwards to last week that will be the first week. I post a week at a time.

Yes, it is a great format, feels like just the right challenge!
Saturday's training:

- foam rolling, Super-Joints
- "Escape Your Fighting Stance"
- pull-ups: (1-2-3)x3
- presses: 16kg: (1-2-3)x3
- playing with Z-press (I have learnt it from Fabio last weekend and I definitely love it!)

@Shahaf Levin me neither! Until last weekend, when Fabio was talking about it and called it "Z-press" :)

Yes, I like kneeling progression to press as well, works pretty well with our students.
Monday and Tuesday training - was my first days of Plan Strong programming. I did pull-ups, barbell front squats, presses and deadlift. Exactly in that order.

Program is pretty challenging (especially deadlift and front squat) and variable (load, reps, sets... ) - which makes it kind of "fun". Pull-ups and presses are relatively easy, but - probably it will change soon. After two days I am really excited about it.

Today is my rest day, cannot wait for tomorrow's FSQ and pull-ups!
Today's training:

- pull-ups (mostly bodyweight, few reps with assistance)
- front squats - few lighter reps, than doubles and triples with 45kg, one double of 50kg...that was hard. And it only the first week. I have a feeling that squatting will be the biggest challenge for me.

Today's training:

- Escape Your Fighting Stance"
- presses (among others 2 series of 5 with 16kg) and deadlifts
- longer stretching for QL, piriformis - it's all tight

Honestly - I can't sit on my butt today - it's so sore. Side effects of the program: I am eating & sleeping a lot. Weekend - rest, I am glad.
That is awesome, Justyna! I hope I can get one!!
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