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Staying the Course -- Adam Mundorf

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Adam R Mundorf

Level 7 Valued Member
  • Reason for Creating New Log
    • A change in direction in my life, training and mental state.
  • Age
    • 27
  • Location
    • South Jersey -- 20 minutes outside of Philadelphia
  • Program
    • Rite of Passage from Enter the Kettlebell
  • Diet
    • Food Combining similar to the Gracie Diet.
      • I'll be logging this over in the food log section.
    • Supplements
      • Bentonite Clay
      • Grass Fed Beef Liver Capsules
      • Swiss Kriss
  • Goals
    • Stick to the Program!
    • Drop from my current weight 217 to around 200. I'll be posting my weight of that morning with my training log entries.
  • Background
    • I've been around Pavel's work since 2011. Most recently I've attended Plan Strong and Strong Endurance Virtual, which was a blast. I take allot of inspiration from the works of Steve Maxwell and Ori Hofmekler. My interests include passive index investing, personal finance, video games and physical culture in all forms. Overall I try to live virtuously regardless of where it leaves me or how it affects me. This is easier said than done.
  • Daily Activities (Non-Negotiable)
    • 10,000 Steps per Day Minimum
    • Joint Mobility first Thing in the Morning
    • 15 Prying Goblet Squats with Curl
    • Bar Hanging
  • Detailed Training Schedule
    • Day 1
      • Light Presses
        • Superset
      • Tactical Pull-Ups
      • Light Snatches
    • Day 2
      • Variety Day
        • 5(5) Heavier than Press Loaded Cleans
        • 5(1) Heavier than Press Turkish Get Up
        • 2-3(5-10) Heavier than Swing Swings
        • 2-3(1-10) Heavier than Snatch Snatches
    • Day 3
      • Medium Presses
        • Superset
      • Tactical Pull-Ups
      • Medium Swings
    • Day 4
      • Variety Day
        • 5(5) Heavier than Press Loaded Cleans
        • 5(1) Heavier than Press Turkish Get Up
        • 2-3(5-10) Heavier than Swing Swings
        • 2-3(1-10) Heavier than Snatch Snatches
    • Day 5
      • Off Day
    • Day 6
      • Heavy Presses
        • Superset
      • Tactical Pull-Ups
      • Heavy Swings
    • Day 7
      • Off Day
Thank you for reading and I look forward to interacting with all of you.
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 216.8
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,026
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 5(3) 24kg Prying Goblet Squat with Curl
Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Tactical Pull Up
  • 11 Minute 20kg Snatches
    • 2L/2R each Minute
      • 44 Total Snatches
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 211.6
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,380
Variety Day Squatting for Strength
  • 3(5) 28kg Goblet Squat
Variety Day
  • 5(5) 28kg Loaded Cleans
    • Chalk was a game changer for these. I used to be opposed to chalk but not anymore.
  • 3(5) 28kg TH Swing
  • 1 minute -- 28kg Overhead Hold
  • 3(1) 24kg Snatch
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 209.0
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 9,793
Resting Heart Rate
  • 58 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 5(3) 24kg Goblet Squat
Medium Day
  • 3(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2) Tactical Pull Up
  • 8 Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 8 each Minute
      • 64 Total Swings
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 211.6
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,040
Resting Heart Rate
  • 58 bpm
Variety Day Squatting for Strength
  • 3(5) 28kg Goblet Squat
Variety Day
  • 5(5) 28kg Loaded Cleans
  • 3(5) 28kg TH Swing
  • 1 minute -- 28kg Overhead Hold
  • 3(1) 24kg Snatch
Morning Bodyweight
  • 209.0
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,317
Resting Heart Rate
  • 58 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Heavy Day
  • 3(1,2,3) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2,3) Tactical Pull Up and Chin Ups Mixed
  • 8 Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 10 each Minute
      • 80 Total Swings
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 215.4
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 5,237
Resting Heart Rate
  • 61 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Off Day
Morning Bodyweight
  • 212.0
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,171
Resting Heart Rate
  • 59 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Off Day

End of Week 1 Summary

  • Everything felt really great this week.
  • I'm enjoying the daily goblet squats, heavier on variety days and lighter on every other day. I ditched the prying and the curl, as these were a bit taxing on my grip and upper back. Instead I pause at the bottom for a three count and ascend. I hold the bell with the handle facing me, holding the bell instead of the horns
  • Mixing up the chin ups and tactical pull ups have been a game changer for me. You only get good at what you practice and I've been neglecting overhand pull ups for at least 6 years. It's nice to reintegrate them.
  • I began using chalk whenever needed. I used them on variety day cleans and later sets of the heavy day swings. What a game changer, no one should be limited by sweaty hands if not necessary.
  • My weekly weight average is trending down which is a great sign. Weight loss doesn't happen all at once but it ebbs and flows. Similar to waving the load.
Beginning of Week 2

Morning Bodyweight

  • 209.6
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 9,223
Resting Heart Rate
  • 58 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Light Day
  • 3(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1) Tactical Pull Up
  • 6 Minute 20kg Snatches
    • 3L/3R each Minute
      • 36 Total Snatches
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 208.8
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,009
Resting Heart Rate
  • 58 bpm
Variety Day Squatting for Strength
  • 5(5) 28kg Goblet Squat
Variety Day
  • 28kg Cook Drill
  • 3(5) 28kg TH Swing
  • 3(1) 24kg Snatch
My Night Time Added Flexibility Routine
Mobility in the morning with some active flexibility stretching is a must for me. I felt like doing some additional stretching, a bit more passive, before bed would be beneficial, so I chose a few stretches that really make me feel good. They are as follows :
  1. Standing Quad Stretch Hold
  2. Kneeling Lunge Hip Stretch
  3. 90/90 Stretch
  4. QL Stretch similar to the S&S QL Stretch.
    1. I sit cross legged in front of my bed. Grab the leg of the bed frame, reach my arm overhead and stretch to one side while breathing relaxed, gradually going deeper into the stretch.
Morning Bodyweight
  • 211.6
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,353
Resting Heart Rate
  • 57 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Medium Day
  • 3(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 3(1,2) Tactical Pull Up
  • 4 Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 8 each Minute
      • 32 Total Swings
Morning Bodyweight
  • 208.4
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,048
Resting Heart Rate
  • 56 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Heavy Day
  • 4(1,2,3) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 4(1,2,3) Tactical Pull Up and Chin Ups Mixed
  • 2Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 10 each Minute
      • 20 Total Swings
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Morning Bodyweight
  • 214.2
    • I expected my weight to go up allot. I think it's a combination of beginning Creatine yesterday and indulging in pizza.
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 9,645
Resting Heart Rate
  • 57 bpm
Variety Day Squatting for Strength
  • 5(5) 28kg Goblet Squat
Variety Day
  • 5(5) 28kg Loaded Cleans
  • 3(5) 28kg TH Swing
  • 1:02 -- 28kg Overhead Hold
  • 3(1) 24kg Snatch
Moving up my 3rd Week Start to today so I can get back on a normal Monday through Sunday schedule.

End of Week 2 Summary
  • Everything is going very well.
  • I've added some nighttime flexibility stretches which are okay. I'm not a fan of flexibility training but so far, so good.
  • I changed up my supplement list a bit. The supplements I take are as follows : creatine, fish oil, multivitamin, whey protein concentrate and casein pudding at night as dessert.
  • I'm enjoying the daily goblet squats, I increased these to five by five everyday. Variety day heavier and every other day my RoP working weight.
Beginning of Week 3

Morning Bodyweight

  • 211.6
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,118
Resting Heart Rate
  • 56 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 5(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Light Day
  • 4(1) 24kg Military Press
    • Superset
  • 4(1) Tactical Pull Up
  • 6 Minute 20kg Snatches
    • 3L/3R each Minute
      • 36 Total Snatches
Morning Bodyweight
  • 210.4
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,584
Resting Heart Rate
  • 57 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • 3(5) 24kg Goblet Squat
Medium Day
  • 4(1,2) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 4(1,2) Tactical Pull Up and Chin Ups Mixed
    • I did try some weighted chin ups with 16kg and they went great. They're not going to be a staple.
  • 11 Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 8 each Minute
      • 88 Total Swings
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(03/03/2021) Yesterday

Morning Bodyweight

  • 210.8
Yesterday's Step Count
  • 10,151
Resting Heart Rate
  • 59 bpm
Daily Squatting for Mobility
  • Didn't do it
Heavy Day
  • 5(1,2,3) 24kg Clean and Press
    • Superset
  • 5(1,2,3) Tactical Pull Up and Chin Ups Mixed
  • 7 Minute 24kg TH Swings
    • 10 each Minute
      • 70 Total Swings
A Midweek Adjustment and Thoughts
  • I'm enjoying my dietary protocol allot but I need to reel in the meal deviation a bit. Once a week I deviate but oh boy do I deviate hard. Like for example I have an extra two bag of chips sitting on the shelf, because I just go crazy! So next week, I really want to get it nailed down and keep it simple/frugal.
  • My heavy day swings were really hard. So hard in fact that I'm considering moving my heavy day swings to the off day. As long as the weekly work gets done, I'm not sure it matters how you cook it. After a heavy day of pressing and chin/pull ups, I honestly don't have allot left in the tank.
  • Taking my Goblet Squats down to 3 x 5 on all other days other than variety days. 5 x 5 on variety days. I was trying to turn my mobility squats into something they weren't by upping the sets.
  • Trying to be allot more diligent with mobility, active flexibility work and walking. There is no excuse for me to be missing it considering I'm on a 8 month work sabbatical.
  • I've been feeling really strong and healthy but I just need to be careful not to get carried away with reps and sets.
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