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Other/Mixed Adding KBs to a Beginner LP Progression

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Level 2 Valued Member
Hey all,

I am currently doing the Greyskull LP program, and specifically the Phraks Variant - very similar to Starting Strength 3x5.

However, due to time/work restraints, I am now only able to go to the gym twice per week - Fridays and Sundays. So, I was thinking about exercising at home with my kettlebells in the middle of the week, I currently have a 12kg, 16kg, and a 32kg kettlebell. The problem with the 12kg and the 16kg KB is that they feel a bit too light for overhead pressing, while the 32kg is a bit too heavy for that purpose.

But I was thinking about doing something like this:

Friday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Sunday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Tuesday or Wednesday - At-home KB Training
Swings 32kg - 5x10
Rows 32kg - 5x5
OHP 16kg - 5x10

Does this look like a good plan?

Also, how should I progress with KBs? Add a rep every week? Or maybe a set?
Hello @awito

It's good that you have found a way to train 2x/week at the gym with the barbell, and at home with the kettlebell. You can certainly get some quality resistance training in that way, and you can certainly get stronger.

However, since you will be doing 33% less barbell training than the program intends, your progress might be slower than expected. The kettlebells can help fill the gaps, but it's just not the same stimulus. Greyskull has some progression guidance built in based on the AMRAP set, so that should still be able to guide you in the weight progression as the program is written.

You might consider 2 kettlebell days, if that works, for 2 barbell days and 2 kettleblell days. With your BB on Friday and Sunday, I'd go for kettlebell on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The biggest thing I think you could add to your kettlebell days are squats, because Greyskull intends for you to squat 2x/week, and your 2 day format only has you squatting 1x/week. Squats are an important stimulus for strength building. Are you able to goblet squat the 32kg? I'd do 5x5 (or work up to it) with that. Front squat with 12+16 is another option. If you did 2 kettlebell days, you could split the volume between the two days -- or have one kettlebell day be squats and the other be swings.

As for swings, you could start with 10 sets of 5 for strength/power, or if you want less focus on strength/power and more on conditioning, then 5 sets of 10. Advance the reps and/or sets towards a total of twice that many (for 10x10, 5x20, 20x5, or some other odd number if you prefer it... some really like sets of 7... depending on your emphasis).

Rows sounds fine as you have it, if you're able to row the 32kg. Cleans with 16kg might be a decent alternative to that; you could do the same reps/sets progression as swings.

OHP sounds OK; you might consider ladders for your volume progression with 16kg. Search for "ROP ladders" for some good examples.
I've always considered the swing as a GREAT tool to drill that aggressive glute drive.

Often just learning to use uour glutes can grant someone an instant 20kg PR in squats and deads.

So just hammer a bunch of swings. That's what I would recommend based on what you have.
Hey all,

I am currently doing the Greyskull LP program, and specifically the Phraks Variant - very similar to Starting Strength 3x5.

However, due to time/work restraints, I am now only able to go to the gym twice per week - Fridays and Sundays. So, I was thinking about exercising at home with my kettlebells in the middle of the week, I currently have a 12kg, 16kg, and a 32kg kettlebell. The problem with the 12kg and the 16kg KB is that they feel a bit too light for overhead pressing, while the 32kg is a bit too heavy for that purpose.

But I was thinking about doing something like this:

Friday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Sunday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Tuesday or Wednesday - At-home KB Training
Swings 32kg - 5x10
Rows 32kg - 5x5
OHP 16kg - 5x10

Does this look like a good plan?

Also, how should I progress with KBs? Add a rep every week? Or maybe a set?
It sounds like Friday will be Squat/Bench/Row and Sunday will be Deadlift/Press/Chin-up. I think it would be more effective to do squats on both days, so Squat/Bench/Row then Squat / Press / Deadlift, and then hit chin-ups on one of your at-home days if possible.

On your at-home days I like the swings for sets of 10, but I would rather see you go OTM and build up to 20 min while still passing the talk test before your next set (if you can't, you're done for the day). Once you hit 20 min, you could then either add more time but still swing OTM or you could start swinging OT30s and build back up to 20 min (all while still passing the talk test before starting your next set). If you can't do sets of 10 OTM and pass the talk test before your next set, do sets of 5 OTM up to 20 min, then sets of 5 OT30s up to 30 min, then sets of 10 OTM up to 20 min...

What is your press currently at? 16kg for 5 x 10 might not serve to do all that much and you might be better off doing something different - like training a handstand, or doing multiple continuous getups (e.g. work up to 5 getups in a row on one hand without setting the bell down). Another option would be to use push-ups as your press and progress to more difficult variations as you get stronger - hands elevated for 2 sets of 20 becomes easy, go to regular pushups, when 2 sets of 20 becomes easy, switch to feet-elevated or close grip, when 2 sets of 20 becomes easy etc... (There's two roads here - one to one-arm pushups, the other to hand-stand pushups.)

I would include the kettlebell rows, especially with my preferred set up of Friday/Sunday and chinning on Tues or Weds. If you absolutely must, I would do two sets of 10 followed by a third set for as many as possible. When that third set hits 20, congratulations, you need a bigger kettlebell.

I would add a squat with the 32kg for a couple sets of 5 - goblet squats are great, use it as a time to explore the bottom position, and then eventually progress into a one-kettlebell front squat. When doing the one-kettlebell front squat, stick with sets of 5, and when a set of 5 with a pause at the bottom is easy, start chipping away rest until you're doing a 3-5 sets of 5 paused front squats with the 32kg with a minute rest between. Alternatively, warm-up with some 16kg goblet squats and then use this day as a day to develop a pistol squat.

So for me, I would set it up this way:



Tuesday or Wednesday
Kettlebell Squat or Pistol Progression
Swings - 32kg OTM up to 20 min, then either go longer or start doing it OT30s
Handstand or Pushup Progression

The idea here is to play, explore how your body moves, and to do something challenging but different, rather than to make an imitation barbell day.

Anyways, that's my thoughts.
I think it would be more effective to do squats on both days, so Squat/Bench/Row then Squat / Press / Deadlift, and then hit chin-ups on one of your at-home days if possible.
Hey all,

I am currently doing the Greyskull LP program, and specifically the Phraks Variant - very similar to Starting Strength 3x5.

However, due to time/work restraints, I am now only able to go to the gym twice per week - Fridays and Sundays. So, I was thinking about exercising at home with my kettlebells in the middle of the week, I currently have a 12kg, 16kg, and a 32kg kettlebell. The problem with the 12kg and the 16kg KB is that they feel a bit too light for overhead pressing, while the 32kg is a bit too heavy for that purpose.

But I was thinking about doing something like this:

Friday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Sunday - Greyskull LP (barbell strength training - alt. squat/deadlift, bench press/overhead press, barbell rows/chin-ups)

Tuesday or Wednesday - At-home KB Training
Swings 32kg - 5x10
Rows 32kg - 5x5
OHP 16kg - 5x10

Does this look like a good plan?

Also, how should I progress with KBs? Add a rep every week? Or maybe a set?
Do you own the book? I am currently running GSLP myself and there a few different ways laid out on how to lift 2 days a week.

My 2cents would be lift as you laid out and layer in the fasted walking and frequency method work every day at home. Maybe add a day or two of conditioning with the KBs or even something like S&S. The FM will take care of a lot of your push/pull needs and you could add hard conditioning with the KBs using swings etc.
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