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Hello Karen - thanks for posting this and all the articles you put up on the website for all of us to read!
so informative and packed full of information. Thank you!

I am curious about the StrongFirst body weight programming/ programs you mention in this post...
I have read and tried to incorporate them into my training but unfortunately they are still a little to advanced for me.
Does Strong First offer any 'beginner programs" for purchase or on the website?
can the "anytime - anywhere" program be scaled down to someone like myself but maybe I fail to have the knowledge how to do this?
Or - is this something i would have to program myself?

I am most interested in the...
push-up ( and its progressions)
Pull-Up ( and its progressions)
Dips ( and its progressions)
Squats ( and its progressions)

and how to program for a 3 times a week training template.
if this is the wrong place for me to ask this question could you please point me in the direction please.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

There are many progressions for each of the skills for beginners but in order to lead you in the right direction I would need to know where you are on each skill you are interested in programming. Please send me videos of your skills to my email.
We also teach some program in the course and dive deeper into programming at the instructor certification.
I often see forum post w/questions on programming, so I thought I would shed a little light on our methods.

STRONGFIRST is a school of strength.
We are a principle based system.
Our principles are the same across all modalities (SFG/SFB/SFL)

If your goal is to get STRONG..... using our programming principles will take your strength to the next level.

StrongFirst programming complies with two key principles identified by Russian sports scientist.
1. Continuity of Training -
We treat our training as a practice but following a program is key. Running into a plateau does not justify switching to a totally different exercise, program or system.

2. Waving the Load -
The difficult of the "training load" be constantly varied. It is a myth that you should go all out all the time.
"Training Load" = the following variables Intensity, Volume and Density.

- Intensity = weight or progression
- Density = same work in less time OR more work in same time (reflects your work : rest ratio)
- Volume = total work in sets/reps OR total work in Tonnage

GTG is one of the best methods for training bodyweight skills. Pavel recommends training no more that 2 GTG skills at one time for the best success.

Program design can be as simple or as complex as you make it.

If you are interested in diving deeper into the STRONGFIRST methods of program design I would recommend the following...
1. attend one of our courses or certifications
2. reach out to one of our certified instructors
3. try some of the programs that we have shared in our articles
and if you want to dive even deeper then I would recommend you attend either Pavel's Plan Strong or Strong Endurance.

I hope to see you at one of our events in the future.
Love it all!
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