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Simply Simple

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Level 6 Valued Member
Have finally decided to log my training. Which I should have done ages ago.

Current program is S&S.

Today’s session:
Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins.
TGU: 6 each side within 10 mins.

Had yesterday off so felt fresh so pushed the TGUs.

Swings feeling crisper than ever. Have decreased the spacing between my feet and feel like it’s producing more power. Has been a bit of a revelation as always had a wide stance. My guess is due to upper body mass trying to wrestle the weight up.
Today’s session:
Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins.
TGU: 5 each side within 10 mins.
Recovery is getting better with this weight as was still feeling pretty fresh second day in a row.
Today’s session:
Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins.
TGU: 5 each side within 10 mins.
Had a slightly longer break between exercises of 2.5 mins as had to get water and got interrupted.
Felt good. Will stay on solely the 32 for at least another week before I start to build in the 40.
This seems daunting as have made a makeshift 36 in the past but plan is to suck it up.
Today’s session:
Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins.
TGU: 5 each side within 10 mins.
Instead of waiting till 10 mins was up and then taking an additional minute between exercises. Went a minute after setting the bell down per standard. Just another day on the park bench.
Today’s session:
Swings: 10*10 Emom plus 1 snatch each set.
1 minute rest
TGU: 6 each side

Was on the couch after getting kids to bed and didn’t want to get off tonight. As I often do I forced myself into it.
No warm up as I couldn’t be bothered but inspired by reading
The Simply Sinister Training Plan | StrongFirst today so I decided to give the snatch go to work up to this. Literally have only snatched the 32 about 8 times previous but made all reps. Pretty happy with this as shows my swing form is generating more power than in the past. Will keep this up going forward as feels like a good bang for buck addition.
Felt fresh after 10 TGU so added two more reps as will have a rest day tomorrow.
Today’s session:
Warmed up then did a few snatches for practice.
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10*10 Emom plus 1 snatch each set.
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side.
Total time: 20 mins.
Swings felt good and managed to save enough in the tank to snatch at end of each set.
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Today’s session:
Warmed up then did a few snatches for practice.
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10*10 Emom plus 1 snatch each set but not the last two as legs fatigued.
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side.
Total time: 20 mins.

Did yoga with kids plus some couch stretches for Mobility earlier.
Today’s session:
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10*10 Emom plus 1 snatch each set but not the last two as legs fatigued.
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side.
Total time: approx 22 mins.

Snatches felt good. Took a bit longer with TGUs as managed a double on each side which is a pr of sorts as can’t remember if I was doing it four years ago but definitely haven’t since then. Making progress.
Had a bit of a sore elbow today so did a weighted bush walk (18kg in a pack) thought it would take 40 mins but was only 23 as powered though by myself.
Felt energetic later in the afternoon so did s&s swings wth 32 emom and then some goblet squats as haven’t done them in a while. Nice to have a bit of variety but hope body is 100% tomorrow.

Thought I’d include a photo of my gear. Beasthas been gathering dust for quit sometime.


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Today’s session:
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10*10 Emom
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side.

Left out the snatches today as didn’t want to aggravate my elbow. Happy that I could do everything as wasn’t sure I’d be doing anything pre the first swings.
Bit of a random one today as over sore elbow but got a split callus due to dry hands whilst working in the garden. Luckily I found some old mountain biking gloves and soldiered on.

In addition to gloves to took the precaution of doing 2 handed swings. However, thought I was a good a time as any to take the 40 for a ride.
Managed Emom 10*10. Didn’t feel crisp for every rep and single arm ones will be a bit of a learning curve as I was tired by the end of this.

Took a decent rest and continued on with untimed getups. On the 4 rep each side I’d recovered enough to squeeze out a double so ended up doing 6 each side with the

It’s great to find work arounds and still feel like I’m progressing as I’m coming up 38 so can’t just keep taking time off!
Had a few days off due to kids birthdays, going hiking and general niggles. Had a few beers yesterday but felt I needed some exercise so got it done despite feeling a bit dusty. Anyway will hopefully back it up tomorrow.

Loving the simplicity of the process so far.

Today’s session:
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10*10 Emom
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side.
Today’s session:
Still have a sore left elbow so went untimed. Swings ended up being fine. Didn’t know whether I’d be able to complete all TGU reps at 32 and was contemplating either stopping or reducing weight. Taking it easy and a bit of grit got me through.
32 kgs for all sets.
Swings: 10* 10
TGU: 5 each side.
Been taking it easy and body seems to feel better for it.

Have decided to work in 40kg swings starting today and will access when to increase. The funny thing is that whilst my TGU is way stronger at lighter weights I can only put a 40 TGU up every once in a while whereas I can do sets of 10 swings easily given enough rest between sets.

Going forward I want to take a more focused approach to my overall health.
Diet is actually pretty good but my achilles heal (especially over lockdown) is beer as can give or take most alcohol but a love a good IPA and they usually come in a 6 pack. So less beer.
In addition to this will be focusing more on squat mobility which I've done in the past but has fallen by the weigh side since Xmas. I am still much better of than I was an will firstly focus on ankle mobility as this is a sticking point with me. Unfortunately goblet squats in the warm up are not enough for me as I'm pretty inflexible. They work my hips well but struggle to make inroads on the ankles with them. Plan to do mobility sessions daily in addition to S&S or whatever exercise for the next month. Hopefully, I will get stronger, reduce belly fat and increase ankle mobility in the squat postion.

Today’s session:

Swings: 10* 10 EMOM
32, 32, 40, 40, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side EMOM @ 32 kgs

This session felt good and the 5 -10 sets felt lighter after the 40 which itself felt very manageable. Glad I had been adding the snatch in previously as this felt hard as had to squeeze out extra power at the end of the set.

Will do mobility this evening per below.
Got in a session of CARS, Squat progression and Ankle mobility while watching TV last night. Remembered afterwards that I should include the couch stretch too.

Today’s session:

Swings: 10* 10 EMOM
32, 32, 40, 40, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32
1 minute rest.
1st 2 reps were doubles each side with 32 then 4 each side. Total time was under 10 mins.

Mobility tonight then probably take tomorrow off bar a walk.

Weight was 81kgs after breakfast this morning.
3 days AF but got to start somewhere.
Had day off s&s. As above completed a mobility session earlier, may do more while watching tv tonight.

Also got in a half hour walk with our slow dog and a scooter session with kids after school.

Weight was 79.9 when I woke up so will be good to get solidly below 80.
4 days AF
Finally bit the bullet and purchased S&S 2.0 yesterday. Have only skimmed over it but what a revelation. Whilst 1.0 was great it seemed to leave a lot of things open to interpretation whereas 2.0 seems to fill in the gaps. Have only skim read the later chapters thus far but will re read and unpack as has already given me a few ah ha moments. Whilst the goal is the same the approach has changed and in my mind makes a lot more sense.

Today’s session:

Mobility: Cars and squat mechanics followed by Goblet squats 32*2 sets + 40*1 set, and glute bridges.

Decided to do by the book as I had time so did talk test and session lasted approx. 40 mins
Also moved the 40 reps to the 3rd set per book. Will continue this.

32, 32, 32, 32, 40, 40, 32, 32, 32, 32
1 minute rest.
TGU: 5 each side with 32. As I taking my time and feeling fresh on 3rd set I tried the 40. Got to my knee on left but could only press the bell up on the right. May have been able to stand up on left my my nerves got the better of me and took too long so ran out of steam!

This workout reminded me of just how brilliant Pavel's programming is. By requiring the talk test he is insisting that each rep be a copy of the last and that all reps should be flawless as a result. As I've always struggled between the 32 and 40 I think 2.0 given a clearer road map to timeless 40 which I guess is my real goal at present and Simple will a road maker at some point.

Weight was 79.9 post workout so exactly the same as yesterday. I trained fasted for the first time in ages and had a couple of coffees to get going. Will continue to do when possible as had no side effects.
4 days AF still as have the rest of the day ahead!
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