Guido Posante

profilephoto01-001370000076UBNAA2I’m a SFG Level II, SFL and SFB Instructor. I assist at SFG Level I Certifications, SFL Certifications, SFB Certifications, One Day SFG, GFM Level I Certifications and Pure Power Workshop. I constantly continue my formative way by taking an active part in many Certifications, Course and Workshop throughout Italy. I work as Instructor and Personal Trainer in Palermo.
Here is my full Bio: SFG Level II, SFL, SFB Pure Power Team Leader GFM Instructor Level I Flexible Steel Level I FMS Professional BPro Certified Instructor.
A friend once told me: “Strength is a Challenge between Yourself and You… Don’t Care about the Others and Grind those Weights!!! The Force of Gravity can be Overcome by Strength and Skill!!!” And since then I made sure that my every day was based on those words. 
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Accepting new students. Training offered in person and online.
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Un grande grazie va a Fabio Zonin che mi ha dato la possibilità di conoscere il mondo StrongFirst con la professionalità la dedizione di un serio e preparato Senior Instructor come GUIDO POSANTE, partecipando ad un vostro workshop.. e spiegando e scomponendo ogni singolo esercizio con ottima dialettica e con cura nei dettagli nella pratica nello svolgimento di ogni esercizio da programma. Spero che mi vengono proposti altri eventi in cui parteciperò con grande entusiasmo.
Grazie GUIDO

A big thank you goes to Fabio Zonin who gave me the opportunity to get to know the StrongFirst world with the professionalism and dedication of a serious and trained Senior Instructor as GUIDO POSANTE, participating in one of your workshops... and explaining and breaking down every single exercise with excellent dialectics and with attention to detail in practice in carrying out each exercise in the program. I hope that other events will be proposed to me in which I will participate with great enthusiasm.
Thanks GUIDO

Valentina Intravaia
Da qualche mese mi alleno con Guido come personal trainer... Una persona molto preparata nel suo metodo d allenamento, che riesce a trovare la giusta tipologia d esercizi in base alle tue esigenze. In ogni istante percepisci la sua attenzione nell esecuzione degli esercizi, che esegui solo dopo una meticolosa preparazione in tecnica e respirazione. Si ottengono RISULTATI grandiosi cn pochi esercizi e con i giusti carichi.. CONSIGLIO GUIDO xkê é un FENOMENO. Sto superando dei limiti con i pesi dati da paure ed errori.. Ma adesso si va tranquillamente ad allenarsi.?????

For a few months now I have been training with Guido as a personal trainer... A very prepared person in his training method, who can find the right type of exercises according to your needs. At every moment you perceive his attention in the execution of the exercises, which you perform only after a meticulous preparation in technique and breathing. You get great RESULTS with a few exercises and with the right loads .. ADVICE GUIDO xkê is a PHENOMENON. I'm overcoming limits with the weights given by fears and mistakes .. But now you are quietly going to train. ????

Angela Denaro
Non potevo trovare di meglio: coach attento, preparato, presente nonostante il lavoro a distanza. Ti trasmette il suo mondo, ti rende partecipe, ti insegna ad allenarti con rigore tecnico e metodico, ad usare la testa ma a metterci anche il cuore, perché in ciò che lui fa e nel modo in cui lo fa c'è tanta passione.
Il mio obiettivo era diventare non solo più forte, ma anche più brava...con lui si può ed in pochi mesi ho raggiunto obiettivi e grandi risultati, ben oltre le mie aspettative.
E poi ho trovato in Guido un amico.

I couldn't find anything better: attentive, prepared coach, present despite remote work. He transmits his world to you, he makes you a participant, he teaches you to train with technical and methodical rigor, to use your head but also to put his heart into it, because in what he does and in the way he does it there is a lot of passion.

My goal was to become not only stronger, but also better ... with him you can and in a few months I achieved goals and great results, far beyond my expectations.

And then I found a friend in Guido.

Valentina Lauria
Mi alleno con Guido Posante da sei mesi e ho imparato a percepire tutti i muscoli del mio corpo in qualsiasi esercizio faccia. Guido è un coach preparato, attento, professionale, empatico e soprattutto in grado di spingerti oltre la tua comfort zone. Torno a casa stanca ma la mattina dopo mi alzo con la voglia di allenarmi ancora. Straconsigliato!!!

I've been training with Guido Posante for six months and I've learned to feel all the muscles in my body in any exercise I do. Guido is a trained, attentive, professional, empathetic coach and above all able to push you beyond your comfort zone. I come home tired but the next morning I wake up wanting to train again. Highly recommended!!!

Giuseppe Ferrara
More than just a personal trainer, Guido is a teacher, a friend and a supporter during every training session. His surgical eye does not miss the slightest detail. With him, you will have the pleasure of learning not only impeccable technique, but also the noble art of strength, without risking injury. His main goal is to make you perfectly independent and aware in your training sessions. You will only understand by trying. Thank you very much, Master and Mentor, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Gianluca Imbergamo
Mi alleno costantemente da quasi 15 anni praticando diverse discipline ma alla fine con dei risultati che non erano quelli che speravo. Poi più di un anno fa ho conosciuto Guido un coach molto preparato,sempre disponibile, empatico. Quello che mi è piaciuto da subito è la capacità di adattare il lavoro e personalizzarlo su di te, sulle tue esigenze e caratteristiche, riesce a capire ciò che si desidera fare, supporto costante e grande professionalità.

I suoi allenamenti stanno cambiando letteralmente la mia vita, dal punto di vista fisico e SOPRATUTTO mentale.

Grazie Guido

I have been training constantly for almost 15 years practicing different disciplines but in the end with results that weren't what I hoped for. Then more than a year ago I met Guido a very prepared, always available, empathetic coach. What I liked right away is the ability to adapt the work and customize it to you, your needs and characteristics, he is able to understand what you want to do, constant support and great professionalism.

His workouts are literally changing my life, physically and mentally ESPECIALLY.

Thanks Guido

Giuseppe Grignano
Guido is my master, friend and role model.
He taught me how to be methodic,
technical and to train with the head and
with the heart. It's a honor to be his
P.S. No Guido, No Deadlift


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