Claire Booth

profilephoto01-001370000076ThIAAUSenior StrongFirst Certified Instructor, Elite Instructor & the Country Leader for StrongFirst Great Britain.

Having enjoyed a successful bodybuilding career since 1997, Bodyology director Claire won over 20 titles including Miss Great Britain, Miss UK, Miss Wales, & Miss International. She has also competed internationally, placing 3rd in the world.

Claire travels the world coaching for StrongFirst & runs workshops & courses all around the UK, coaching fitness professionals & teaching people to move better, feel better & look better.

Claire educates clients about exercise & nutrition so that they may make an informed decision to move towards their goals. She also takes into consideration the clients lifestyle, including work & family commitments, keeping the workouts simple, easy to follow, yet extremely effective.

After winning the UKBFF West Midlands 2010 Body Fitness title, Claire decided to retire from competition & dedicate her time helping others achieve their best ever results without sacrificing their health.

Claire's qualifications include:
StrongFirst Elite (SfGll/SFL/SFB)
Plan Strong
Built Strong
NABBA Advanced Instructor
NABBA Advanced Personal Trainer
Advanced Diploma in Optimum Nutrition
Advanced Diploma in Torso Training
Pilates Instructor including
Pre/Post Natal & Senior Populations
Advanced Extreme Kettlebell Instructor
Register of Exercise Professionals Level 3 (Advanced)
Former RKC level II certified kettlebell instructor
StrongFirst level II certified kettlebell instructor
StrongFirst SFB Instructor
StrongFirst SFL Instructor
StrongFirst Elite Instructor
Kinnective Therapist
Flexible Steel instructor
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Accepting new students. Training offered in person and online.
Contact: Click to contact


David Greenwood
Attended Kettlebell 201 at Renegades Gym in Portsmouth. It was a fantastic and insightful instructor led session.

Claire was knowledgeable, patient, approachable and extremely perceptive - adapting exercises / cues to suit individuals anatomy. In my specific case spotting mobility issues that limit range of motion and offering solutions.

Claire is a national treasure among strength and conditioning instructors. If I want to learn something properly first time, or discover bad habits that are causing niggles, Claire is top of the list ?

Ricky Evans
I spent the weekend with Claire, David, and Q on Workshop 101 & 301 this past weekend.
They really are experts in their fields, and their attention to detail is second to none. Really great training experience, suitable for all levels.
Great training, mixed in with good humour, made the weekend a lot of fun. I can't wait to further my strength journey with StrongFirst's help and guidance with future certs & workshops.

Stuart Greenwood
Thank you for your energy and knowledge. I have learnt more over the last two days on kettlebell 101 & 301 than over the last 20years on the internet!

Simon Dawson
I did Claire's 101 workshop. Even though I've been using kettlebells for some time, the attention to detail and practical tips meant that I learned a huge amount. I now feel I've got much more resource to build a solid practice that'll last me for years. Claire, Quentin and David also created an open, relaxed but purposeful atmosphere throughout the workshop. Thanks to you all.

Mike Noble
I recently attended a Kettlebell 101 class with Claire in Warwickshire. It was my first experience of in-person coaching.

I highly recommend the class and found Claire, to be an excellent coach. The session was well-paced, and there was a great atmosphere that made the whole experience enjoyable.

During the class, we focused on a few specific movements: including squats and halos, deadlifts, swings, and get-ups. I really liked the close focus on the movements and I was please to have some corrections to my form.

Overall, it was an excellent experience that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in learning more about kettlebells.

Glynis Moss
I thoroughly enjoyed the Rite Kettlebell Rite of Passage 201 workshop with Claire and also the host of the venue David. After over ten years of training and some awesome PB's under my belt i felt a little bit lost as to what next. Claire really helped me find my passion again and provided exactly the inspiration i needed. I got helpful tips for all the exercises in a very friendly, personal and and encouraging fashion from Claire and the other coaches. Nothing was rushed, plenty of interaction and time for questions and practice. We also had time for giggles. Thank you Claire and I will see you at the 202 Cert. Well, someone has to do it backwards.

I’d been using kettlebells for around 6 months as my main training modality and had made some progress but I knew my technique was off. Attending the kettlebell workshop with Claire was absolutely fantastic. She thoroughly explained the foundation movements and we had plenty of swing practice for her to pick up any issues we might have. With just a few tweaks and tips in my technique I immediately felt more stability and power in my swing. Claire’s get up tutorial again was very well explained and get ups are now a regular in my routine. The course was everything I needed and Claire is a master in her craft. Many thanks. See you for 201 ?

Chris Wilson
Claire led a kettlebell 201 workshop that I attended. She is very knowledgeable and experienced and was able to very quickly make big changes to my form, leading to a massive improvement in my abilities and, crucially, my understanding.

Richard Coitino
I felt I needed expert advice in kettlebells strength training. I found this expert advice in Claire, a StrongFirst Certified Senior Instructor, besides many other training certifications. Had a two hours one on one coaching session with Claire which transformed my technique in the swing and TGU. Enabling me to generate more power in the swing and ease of movement in my TGU making my S&S workout more enjoyable. I also gained valuable knowledge in nutrition and training. An excellent session with an experienced
knowledgeable strength coach. Thanks a lot Claire.

Richard Coitino

Andy Kness
Attended a Simple and Sinister workshop and over four hours learnt so much and improved my technique immensely.
Claire is so patient and knowledgeable and extremely helpful.

Lucy Sutton
Had done an online session with Claire and was so happy when I got the chance to work with her in person. Another amazing session with lots to work on and apply to my training. Thank you so much.

I attended the Simple and Sinister workshop, held in The Unit Teeside. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and would recommend. It catered for all levels and Claire gave great coaching points that were individualised to our needs. I feel I left the workshop with greater knowledge on the moves taught and cues for setting up and executing moves.
I look forward to the next workshop.

Debby Brown
I attended a recent simple and sinister workshop which i absolutely loved !

Claire was highly knowledgeable and was able to break down and explain each move whilst providing anatomical reasoning

She was also able to provide 1-1 advice and tweaks to form throughout the session , whilst maintaining a relaxed atmosphere and delivering information to a range of participants with differing experience

There were some lovely discussions through out the session and we were all able to ask questions

The session flew by and i learnt such a lot
I could feel my technique improving throughout and i now look forward to building on this

I would definitely recommend Claire’s sessions and look forward to attending another workshop

Attended a fantastic Simple & Sinister workshop with Claire - her instruction was fantastic and she did a great job of balancing a range of experience levels and abilities. I learned more in a four hour workshop than I had achieved training myself in isolation over the course of a year. I felt thoroughly encouraged and supported throughout the learning process and Claire has a wealth of knowledge. Recommended 100%.

Lucy Sutton
Great session being introduced to kettle bells and a really personal approach. Tailored feedback focused on quality of movement. Definitely going to continue working in this way. Thank you so much.

Garry Graham
The level of detail provided was simply encyclopedic. Absolute world class attention to detail. Corrected so many small nuances that other trainers might never have picked up on and left me very confident of performing lifts safely.

Clarke is an amazing trainer. I would highly recommend doing one of her courses.

David Greenwood
Highly recommend Claire?

I visited Claire for one-to-one body weight training. It was a really positive experience and I left with a treasure trove of cues to improve my form, a programme of exercises and the confidence that the work will produce results.

I'm very grateful for Claire's warm, patient, non judgemental, detail oriented mentoring style.

Highly recommend working with Claire?

Jon Russell
To raise my kettlebell game, and help my journey towards SFG1, I recently attended a 201 Rite of Passage workshop led by Claire. What an excellent teacher - very richly detailed instruction with excellent 1:1 observations and corrections. With this single 4-hour workshop session, I feel all parts of the my kettlebell skillset have been set on a better path - with loads of new and refined things to practice. Highly recommended.

Julien Ducenne
What made Claire a great instructor is her ability to explain complex subjects with simplicity and clarity, she is very knowledgeable and helped me to improve my technique and work around my disability. Thanks Claire

Anthony McGonnell
Even though I’m an SFG1 you never stop learning. I attended one of Claire’s workshops and as always there was some refinement that could improve the way I swing a kettlebell, which always has a carryover to when I’m teaching. Learning to deadlift was my main focus and I’m looking forward to adding this exercise to my routine down the line. Thanks Claire

Recently I had the privilege of attending the Kettlebell 201 & Barbell 101 workshops with Claire.

It was great to get an experienced coach to have a look over all the form and correct a few issues that had crept in over they years.

Additionally Claires use of various teaching points were highly applicable to every ability level, I' highly recommend attending the workshops/courses she hosts.

I had a few trainers in my life but Claire is by far the best. She's in such good shape that just looking at her I often think "how is this even possible?". Nevertheless sessions with her are fun, very well tailored to me and the progressions are right on the money: not too hard, not to easy. Looking back just on the last few months of training I made huge progress. For example I wasn't able to do a single pull-up, and now I can crank out 5 super strict ones like it's nothing. And yes, I absolutely would recommend her as a coach.

Lara Wiltshire
I contacted Claire because I wanted to learn hard-style kettlebells … properly. I had dabbled in kettlebells on and off for several years so thought I knew how to swing a bell. I had watched all the YouTube and Instagram videos out there but honestly, NOTHING compares to the accountability and watchful eye of someone else looking out for you.
Claire took my basic form and technique and with a very experienced eye and an endless toolbox of techniques has tweaked and continues to tweak to make me better. Online or in person she has a knack for getting the best out of me.

It’s been was one of the best decisions I made during the pandemic. Thank you Claire.

Karen Ingram
I started training under Claire’s guidance for the SFB after sustaining a few niggling injuries that ‘professional therapists’ of different kinds were unable to help. Claire’s eye for detail, patience, knowledge and ability to think outside of the box have clearly been helping me to better my training in all areas. I have no qualms in highly recommending Claire to anyone who values their strength or fitness.

I have been training with Claire for over 2 months now and in that time she has vastly improved my technique and therefore reduced my injury rate and I am in less pain as a result.
She is very knowledgeable and passionate about what she teaches and would recommend her strongly to all levels of ability.
Thank you Claire I will keep practicing!

Steve Brown
I got in touch with Claire a few months back during lockdown. Ive always liked Kettlebells but realised I didn't really know what I was doing. I believe she has transformed the way I move and think about strength! Im 39 & never felt more "all over strong". The fine details definitely matter. Thanks Claire

Jake Matthews
Claire has been an outstanding coach for me since starting to work with her around 6 months ago. Having experienced lots of PT’s in lots of sports and having completed a PT qualification myself I am often blown away by Claire’s level of understanding and teaching. She is the first person that has taught me what a hinge, squat and great movement should look like! After years of poor movement habits and a lack of understanding lead me to injuries, I am grateful I found Claire when I did and I am looking forward to continuing to learn from her in the years to come.

Kelly Stevens
I can't thank Claire enough for all her guidance and help .
After going to the doctors and being told I will need a knee surgery ,planta fascia in both feet ,flat foot ,and arthritis all in one day and sent home with lots of pills and lots of doctors appointments at the age 48 and a coach myself I was not going to give up as I can't walk more than 10 min and found Claire as ive also been very interested in the StrongFirst courses.
I thought this was my last attempt before the doctors wheeled me away ?
Claire is super professional and with a wealth of knowledge .I just wanted to get strong and maybe a bit of mobility on the way to help me ,However Claire no1 is that your healthy first ,being a coach and a lover of most sports Kitesufer ,freediver, cycling ,boxer and a ex Crossfit coach and competitor Claire pointed out I maybe over training and have excess inflammation ? i was ready to try anything .
With claires detailed programming and super coaching eye and nutrition advice within 2 weeks I found my self walking with no pain ? within 2 months my arch in my foot has come back I feel like I have new feet ,no inflammation in my joints, im stronger ,my swings and knowledge of moving correctly is coming along ?ooh and ive dropped 3 kilos ,,no tablets no doctors needed ,⭐️ and booking sSFG1 this year ...Thankyou for my feet ⭐️?
I went into the new year feeling awesome and getting better everyday .
This is all done via zoom meetings
im now walking 8k a day ?

Richard Sutton
I read Simple and Sinister around about the start of the year and began training with the programme mentioned in the book but quickly began to realise that my form and technique could really do with some attention by someone who knows what they’re doing. I came across Claire on Instagram and signed up for a few of her zoom workshops on swings and the get up during the first lockdown and have been regularly working with her ever since through zoom training sessions.

She is an incredibly knowledgeable and experienced coach and teacher with the ability to diagnose and correct technique issues extremely effectively as well as being great to get on with and has quite literally changed my whole approach to training and nutrition. Before training with Claire I used to be going around in circles, constantly disappointed by my progress and never seemingly getting anywhere with building my strength and body composition. That’s changed dramatically this year. I’m far stronger with more muscle and better cardiovascular fitness as well as keeping lean. I couldn’t be more grateful for her expertise, guidance and no nonsense coaching that I am constantly learning from and I could not recommended her highly enough!

Gareth J Peake
I'd reached a rut in my training when I contacted Claire. I run a Martial Arts school, and until recently I competed at National and World level. After following a couple of different kettlebell 'plans' during the initial phase of lock down, I realised I needed a coach.

My zoom sessions with Claire were friendly and no nonsense. She was able to connect my experience in my Martial Arts training and instructing, with Strong First Kettlebell training, and give me the tools to build from there.

Over the course of 6 weeks Claire built knowledge and technique in my training, with a simple and effective plan that I continue to progress with, several weeks later.

In addition to the training, Claire gave simple to follow Nutritional advice. My shape has improved, as has my strength and mobility.

As a coach myself, I highly recommend Claire.

I attended an online kettlebell swing workshop run by Claire.

I really enjoyed the workshop. Claire was able, even after watching just a few swings, to give each of us precise feedback to immediately improve with, which made a remote workshop feel very hands-on and personal.

She had a trove of evocative and entertaining cues and explanations, so there was a fun vibe even while we were working hard. I look forward to the next one!

daniel farrow
I took part in Claire's online kettlebell swing workshop and thought it was great, I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot in the session and Claire gave great advice about correcting my swing technique and also how to breathe correctly when swinging a kettlebell. Thank you Claire and I look forward to attending your sessions in the future.

Craig Kinninmonth
I've worked with Claire over the last three years, our first formal meeting was the SFG 1, Oct 2016, where she led my team as the senior instructor, subsequently at the SFL one day course summer 2017 and certification in Nov 2017 and most recently SFG1 recertification Oct 2018.
I have worked informally and one to one throughout this period and have Claire as my current and future goal development coach

From the very first coaching session to date, Claire has an uncanny ability to spot the the leakage points in any of the technical movements championed by the Strongfirst standards.

Not only does she identify these points she systematically identifies a route to maximum effective improvement and strength gain, whilst remaining technically solid.

Most recently we have worked online with great effect in a style that suits my learning where we review my progress online one to one, set goals and a timeline, I feedback every practise session and Claire points to areas of focus and improvement .

I have plenty mileage on the clock with several significant injuries and heavy wear and tear, through two decades of military, personal and instructor training . Claire has navigated successfully all of this with true understanding and professionalism, and has my complete trust .

Claire is my coach and go to when things are not working and as an ongoing set of eyes that I can be confident in, to give honest and candid feedback to maximum impact and effect.

If you are serious about developing your technical strength and conditioning with longevity, you've found the answer.

StrongFirst Elite : Finally what you see/read is what you get!

I have first met Claire on a full day KB course in London. Claire delved into such granular details of what normally is considered basic Kb moves, that from day one separated her from the rest instructors out there.

Why I train with Claire?

- If you want to become the best version of yourself, you need to learn from the best. Especially if that best is part of a network of the best.

- If you want to build a house that withstands adversity, you need to get the foundation right. Claire corrects and modifies my movements, giving me endless instructions on how to better myself in all aspects of the discipline. +Always surprising me how this can be efficiently achieved in ONLINE mode, supporting injury free training

- If you want to win, you need to plan for the win. Claire delivers a protocol to follow. It is challenging, it is fun and it makes me better every week. So I follow again, trusting 100% and sparing myself "what shall i do today/next week?" dilemma.

=> i get the "WHAT", the "HOW" and its "CUSTOM made" for my goals

Bonus: no BS, which is rare these days

Michaeljon Alexander-Scott
I've been training with Claire via remote coaching since the new year, and have seen an incredible improvement. Over the last few years i've felt like i've been spinning my wheels with my training, with the deadlift in particular a source of frustration and ongoing niggles. Claire took me back to basics to work on my movement patterns and i now feel stronger, more flexible and more mobile than i have in a long time. It's amazing how much she can diagnose through a video call, and the cues she gives me to focus on in between sessions really help. The workouts are also changed frequently enough so i'm never bored. I couldn't recommend Claire highly enough.

Claire is an amazing coach , everytime I spend time with her I am in awe of her knowledge and appreciative of her support. We are currently working on online sessions due to lockdown , and even after the first session Claire gave me some advice which instantly resolved a long term back issue. Due to her ongoing advice, my mobility and endurance for MMA/ Ju Jitsu has increased greatly, to the point where my training partners are constantly asking me what strength/conditioning program I'm following. I can't recommend Claire enough , and always look forward to the next opportunity to train with her.

Ernesto Ruiz
I have had the privilege of training with Claire recently and it is something I hope to continue to do! The level of detail she delivers, coupled with her clear explanations and great personality make her a joy to have as a coach. There is no nonsense with her (as you would expect from a StrongFirst coach). She has absolutely improved my technique and started me off on a great path for my strength training!

Krissie Kirby
Claire has been my coach since we first met at my very first SFG1 in 2014 and is my go to for honing my skills to maintain standards. Her knowledge is incredible and she has a great way of adapting how she's expresses something to ensure you understand what is being asked of you and why. She is not only teaching you to move better but she's also ensuring you understand the reasoning behind it, so every session you learn more about your own body and movement. I became a better coach by being coached by Claire.

I recommend Claire to everyone, experienced or beginner, you will learn an awful lot from this lady.

Thanks Claire!

Sharon Bowes
Claire's depth of knowledge and skilful ability to help me to improve my technique and efficiency is outstanding. I have been attending her workshops and love her friendly and accessible style. I appreciate how precisely she models and teaches moving our bodies in the most effective way to maximise strength and power. So much learning! I am feeling a massive improvement already thanks to her guidance and feedback. Thank you Claire!

Kevin Manning
Claire is an excellent coach and I would highly recommend her. I have been working with her for 3 months now and I’ve found my strength, technique and mobility has improved immensely. She is brilliant at identifying areas for improvement and providing a holistic approach.

I took part in Claires online swing and get-up workshop and found it very useful and gained ALOT from
The experience. Overall really good and will be looking to do more in the future.

Maggie Lawler
I have attended two of Claire's online kettlebell workshops and learned a lot about technique and strength. Claire is a great teacher and I will be attending more in the future. Thank you Claire.

Patrick Ryan
I started working (all remotely since day 1) with Claire in Feb 2020. We work by way of regular video call teaching sessions with me working through her programming in between (akin to school lessons and homework). Up until this I was trying different methods mostly weights and HIIT training 3-4 times per week (including some PT).It was the usual cycle of working long hours at a desk, juggling two kids under 3 with my wife and then trying to beast myself like I was 20 again in the weight room, ending up frustrated each time I tweaked something or realised I couldn’t move the way I used to as I have some injury mileage on the clock.
Working (all remotely) with Claire has been revolutionary as we work around my family and work with our online sessions. My only reservation at the start was that my “homework” sessions during the week weren’t making me shattered and that maybe I was not working “hard” enough. However, given Claire’s experience and quals I decided to trust the process and coaching. From Claire I have learnt that chastising myself with HIIT / Metcons into a sweaty mess each session is not a prerequisite for significant results and I now find myself much stronger, lighter by 5.5kg (a by-product but not a focus), much more skilled with a KB, generally less tired with more energy and enjoying training, but most importantly to me I am starting to move properly again without pain (long injury history) after years of trying and ultimately going in circles. I highly recommend getting some coaching from Claire if you can as her teaching is game changing for sustainable progress.

Jo O’Leary
I was coached by Clare for a number of years before I moved away from the area and have always considered her coaching to be excellent. While I have maintained a reasonable level of fitness and lifting strength since then, I felt I needed to revisit the basics to check technique etc, particularly during this lockdown time of making the best of our ‘home’ gyms, and booked on to an online zoom coaching session specifically on the Turkish Get Up. There were 6 of us in the session - Clare introduced us all at the beginning and we all explained our personal reasons for attending. The class was really well structured- the movement was broken down into each element- demonstrated by Clare and followed up by us practising and Clare watching us individually on the screen and giving us advice/feedback on body position etc and checking our confidence before moving on to the next part. I came away from the session with a renewed confidence on the Turkish Get Up to be able to continue training at home. I would thoroughly recommend booking on to an online session such as this. Even when lockdown is over, and we all go back to training in gyms etc, there is much to be said for online technology and the place it can/will hold in achieving our fitness goals and I look forward to pursuing this option in the future. Thank you Clare

I've recently completed some online coaching with Claire and can highly recommend. Up until this point I had been self taught and felt that I was at a reasonable standard, however, Claire was able to provide several significant corrections that have really sharpened my skillls. I already feel that I am able to perform much closer to SF standards and I would have not been able to achieve this alone without this coaching despite hours of reading and watching videos. I will continue to practice and no doubt sign up for more coaching sessions in the future. Thanks Claire

Jo Stephens
Moving with the times, I took part in a Kettlebell Workshop with Claire via ZOOM! The class was adapted brilliantly. I could clearly see Claire and her demonstrations and she was able to tutor everyone well. It was great to go through technique and build up to deadstop swings and full swings. The workshop was limited to 6 people allowing Claire to give each person the attention they needed. By the end I felt that I had learnt a great deal, The workshop was a great balance between learning/correcting technique and getting hands on with the kettlebell. An ideal class for beginners and those wanting to brush up on technique in order to progress.

Pierre Martini
I've met Claire at the SFL in Paris. I already followed on social media, at this point my diet was not on point and my training suffered for a lack of energy, body composition was ok but I felt something was missing. I asked her to help me to correct my nutrional intakes. 7 weeks later I 've losted 2.5kg and the 2xBW SFL Deadlift strength was flying, no strength lost, no cravings. I do recomand Claire as a professional nutritional advice for any people who wants to get in shape, lose fat and kill theirperformance at the gym.

Pierre Martini SFG2 - SFL - BEAST TAMER

Megan Kelly
Claire is an amazing instructor who has helped me over the years to pass my SFG1, SFG2 and SFL certifications. After completing and passing the certs, she has (and still does) put a lot of time in to working with me even further to improve the lifts I find more difficult to help me continue to get better. This includes her inviting me over to her gym for practise sessions, going through (mobility) drills and accessory lifts, plus watching videos I send and giving me first class tips on how to make each lift more solid. This has meant that not only have I become much stronger, I am also better able to teach my own students because of the knowledge Claire has passed on. If you're training for any of your StrongFirst certifications, or if you're purely wanting to get stronger/healthier/better at lifting, I highly recommend that you see Claire for some sessions.

Ian Freeman OLY
When I failed my SFG level 2 Re-certification, I was disappointed, but I knew some bad habits had crept in and I was anxious about passing. Claire was very reassuring and we arranged some video sessions soon after. Thanks to Claire, I was soon back on track. She very quickly helped me with my technique and gave me simple, yet effective mobility drills for homework. Very soon my mobility began to improve and my technique sharpened up. I am pleased to say I have now passed my recertification and I’m very grateful to Claire, who was encouraging, knowledgeable and showed a great attention to detail.

Raph Reilly
Claire recently helped me improve my kettlebell technique using video calls. I was training for the SFG1 kettlebell instructor certification but was mainly self taught and had plenty of bad habits in to iron out. Claire is very easy to talk to but she has extremely high standards and she definitely leads by example. She can spot problems with technique at a glance and always has effective tips and advice to bring about rapid improvements step by step.
If you’re looking for a coach, you can’t do better than Claire and I recommend contacting her whether you are close enough to train with her in person or not.

Matthew Dignum
I attended a one day Kettlebell workshop with Claire prior to Strong First Level 1, which gave me important tips to work on before the 3 day course.
On the StrongFirst course Claire gave lots of great information on how to do things professionally and watched over us giving small coaching tips, that can make a massive difference. Claire has been very helpful when I have contacted her for advice and information. If you want to get better with Kettlebells train with the best.
Cheers Claire.

Claire has been coaching me for about 9 months now. In that time I've lost another 20lbs (having already lost 15 before finding her, BMI has gone from 27 to 21) and my body composition has changed totally having lost fat and gained muscle. The strength I've gained has changed my life: my getup has gone from 16kg to 22kg, I can now do chinups and yesterday I did my first ever pullup.

Claire is all about sensible programming and perfect technique and she has clearly dedicated her life to learning about strength and health. I love that I can ask her about any topic and she'll be overflowing with information on it - I always come away with a list of articles, videos and books to go and look up. This works for me because rather than just blindly following what she says (which, to be honest, I'd probably happily do anyway!) instead I'm also becoming more educated at the same time.

Thanks, Claire!

Derry Walker
I started seeing Claire about two and a half years ago when I had so many niggles from running that I couldn’t carry on without help. I had also picked up an injury from self taught Kettlebells so I wanted help with that as well.
From the first session I could tell I had made the right choice. Claire looked at the body as a whole and worked out why I had constant tight and pulled calfs and looked at my Kettlebell form and stripped it down and rebuilt it. She explains what is happening and why so I’m constantly learning. Within a week I was running pain free!
The Kettlebell routines Claire gives me isn’t to complex but works, as I’m now running faster aged adjusted than I did twelve years ago!
Claire has a wealth of knowledge and is always off around the world learning the latest in the fitness world and passes that expertise on.
I now feel fitter and stronger than I have in ten years and that’s down to intelligent training from Claire, so if you want to be pain free, move better, lift smarter and feel great I can’t recommender enough.

Hannah Clay
I cant recommend Claire enough.

Claire has helped me on many levels

She has given me advice for improving my kettle bells techniques and barbell techniques which has lead to stronger lifts.

On top of this Claire has helped me with nutritional advice. My diet was affecting many aspects of my life such as skin problems and digestion. With Claire's advice and knowledge I have seen a great overall improvement with my health


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