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  1. J Cox

    Kettlebell Best All-Around Training Method Ever

    Pavel published a great article/program for A+A using C&J. I have two full weeks under my belt and started week 3 today. The early results have been noticeable, especially in strength and fat reduction. The one thing I really have enjoyed running a session and then doing some mobility work...
  2. mikhael

    Kettlebell S&S - A+A - Q&D - Repeat

    Hi, StrongFirst Family! I was thinking about A+A and Q&D, and rotating those programs with my currently following S&S. When it comes to S&S I'm using 40 kg bell in One-Arm Swing and Tactical Get up, but to follow A+A I will have to switch to @32 bell. What do you think about changing S&S to...
  3. Kettlebell A+A swings or snatches in ETK

    Would it be wise to alter the program to incorporate a+a swings or snatches rather than doing the finisher as written? Thank you in advance ladies and gents.
  4. Kettlebell A+A for Ultra-running crosstraining

    Hello SF crew, I've been doing some research on the A+A methodology and have been interested in implementing it into my weekly training. My goal here is to train for ultra-running events. First a little background, I'm coming from several years of Olympic/powerlifting style training and...
  5. Reventio007

    Kettlebell Starting to do Q&D, Doing with Jumpropes + Other Questions

    Apologies in advance for the long post! It's been a long time since I posted here. Two years has passed(I think). Basically, I went from doing S&S, but not able to progress from 13.4kg bells since I didn't have the budget, to getting a gym membership and moving to 16-20kg swings and 16kg TGUs...
  6. Kettlebell Long sets below MAF

    Hi, I would like to know if someone trains continuously below MAF with KB. Not in A+A style (anaerobic effort + aerobic recovery), but only aerobically without any rest and lower weight. I know that in girevoy (KB sport), they execute longer sets, but as fas as i know it's done in a highly...
  7. Fraser

    Kettlebell Programming for 100 power reps/day Mon-Fri

    Hi, I'd appreciate opinions /advice on my KB programming, if possible. I want to do 100 power reps /day Mon - Fri before work. Primary Goal: conditioning (max mitochondrial adaptations). Secondary goal: maintenance of strength. Other exercise each week: 4 hrs MAF cycling; 3hrs tennis...
  8. Other/Mixed Vertical kilometer trail running

    Hi everybody, I'm training for VK (vertical kilometer) or short intense trail races. For those who don't know VK it's an uphill mountain running race, which ascends approximately 1000 metres while covering a distance of no more than 5km. Some races are less than 2km long for 1000m elevation...
  9. Bodyweight Circuit below MAF antiglycolytic?

    Hi everyone, Simple question is a circuit workout antiglycolytic if the heart rate stays below MAF without following A+A protocole? For example: 4 rounds of Bw squat Pushup Pullup Situp The idea is to wait the heart rate goes below 110 before beginning the following exercise. It takes in...
  10. Bodyweight Multiple exercises GTG and A+A

    Hi everyone, What do you think about mixing those principles of training: -Everyday GTG on multiple exercises Push-ups, dips, pull-ups, crunches, bw squats (pistols). The idea isn't to focus on one exercice, but to be active all the day by doing many easy sets of different exercises (far...
  11. Pasibrzuch

    Kettlebell A+A - minimum/maximum effective dose for a (muay thai) fighter

    Hi everybody, it's my first post here, so at the beginning a thank you to everyone who contributed here. Knowledge I gained here is invaluable. I'm an amateur muay thai/k1 fighter who got interested in the concept of A+A. There's no one coherent body of text about this type of programming, so...
  12. J Cox

    Kettlebell Snatching A A every day

    Need a little direction. Is it possible to snatch A A every day?I think some have said they do it, but I am not sure what they started with in doing so. Just trying to find a good place to start if anybody has some suggestions.
  13. Joe's Quest For Strength and Health

    I am getting back into strength training after 4 years away while I finished my college degree and didn’t find time for training. Relevant Demographics: 38 Year old Male. 5’5”, 178lbs Background: I did a few years of weight training while in High School. I was super skinny but got decently...
  14. Karl

    Kettlebell A+A repeat planner spreadsheet

    I'm sure this is overboard, but thought I would share my little google sheet that I've been using to plan my 8 weeks of volume for snatching or swinging. It sticks with a waved volume from day to day and week to week based on recommendations from @Al Ciampa posts on A+A. It probably is not...
  15. Harald Motz

    Kettlebell repeat until...

    As I am three years and three months now into the repeat method which is a pillar of A+A training. For almost four weeks now I am seriously into double bell work. My lift of choice is the clean & pushpress and/or thruster (clean & squat & pushpress). I found that singles are great for gaining...
  16. damogari

    Barbell Barbell/dumbbell alternative exercise for KB Snatch

    Recently I started incorporating A+A (or HIRT) work into my strength routine. Unfortunately the heaviest kettlebell in my gym is 28kg which feels too light for me to generate maximum power - I can comfortably snatch 32kg for reps. On the other side there are barbells, and fixed dumbbell options...
  17. Snowman

    Kettlebell Adjusting A+A for Easy Hypertrophy (not really A+A)

    I just wanted to add a little experiment of mine to the collective knowledge. I’m transitioning my A+A snatches from the 32 kilo up to the 36 kilo, and I thought it might be beneficial to increase my volume with the 32 before stepping up. Bonus points if I could add a little muscle. My...
  18. Ryan T

    Off-Topic Talk test and HR

    I think I've seen it mentioned somewhere else that HR isn't the best measure of being rested enough to proceed to the next set of A+A work, but even with my heart pumping along pretty fast, I've been able to legitimately pass the talk test slowly saying the following without huffing and puffing...
  19. Oscar

    Kettlebell A+A question. Why 1 arm instead of 2 arms?

    For the last 2 years I didn't see this question addressed so here it goes: For A+A protocols, why are the 1 arm snatch and the 1 arm swing usually used, instead of double snatch or 2 hand swing (very heavy)? As far as I understand, A+A uses compound movements that require great power. But...
  20. scottie

    Kettlebell A+A vs. VWC

    The new information churning out of Strong First regarding A+A or AGT is very interesting to read, learn and practice. I'm curious how is compares with the Viking Warrior Conditioning protocols. Both are a form of interval training but with very different work-to-rest ratios. Does A+A replace...
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