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  1. 12BravoGuy

    Training Log (Public) Minimalist Plan for Real-world Performance

    Hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker in the forum but this is my first time posting here. Finally decided to pull the trigger. A litte background, I'm a 35 y/o Active Duty soldier in the US Army, serving as a combat engineer. I've been in the army for a little over 6 years. Before that, I...
  2. Kettlebell Back to the bell with one size option

    Has anyone tried adjusting other variables in an A+ A program when you don’t have the prescribed bell size? In a few days I’ll have my snatch test bell after a months long absence from iron and want to do some snatching (and other skills practice) for the few months I have it. While one...
  3. A+A/AXE low HR

    Hello, I do EMOM training according to the Strongfirst modalities described in AXE. I did 2 sessions: 15*(5swings)+15*(5 power pushups). Alterning. Average HR 97, MHR 135. Total time : 30 minutes 16*2 hacksquat at 60%1RM+ 16*3 OHPa t 60%1RM. Alterning. Average HR 95, MHR 113. Total time...
  4. Kettlebell AXE sounds superb but why only 2-3 times a week?

    I'm currently immersed in the book "Kettlebell AXE," exploring its insights into the three energy systems. The AXE protocol, particularly the A+A approach, appears to be an exceptional training method. It's so effective that I'm considering incorporating it into all my strength and endurance...
  5. A+A (AXE) alactic, really?

    Hi everyone, It is obvious that training of <4 seconds mainly uses PCr pathway which is alactic. However, my past experience as a sprinter and lactate testing done on me at the time showed that even a small number of intervals with very short sprints (3-5 seconds) with 3-5' rests caused high...
  6. Bauer

    Kettlebell Even Easier Strength BEFORE A+A?

    My main dish is currently KBSF (inspired by @don fannucci), so lots of LCCJ, 2x per week. Due to some schedule restraints, I have decided to try Even Easier Strength (4x per week) alongside it, mostly to keep or impove my grinding strength. (Double or single) Military Press: Around 10RM bell...
  7. Other/Mixed A+A suitable movements

    Was there I recent post/article/newsletter/email that listed movements suitable for A+A training? I seem to recall it but can’t find it. (New parent sleep deprived brain).
  8. Other/Mixed GPP endurance program idea using A+A and LISS

    Still mulling around ideas for a GPP program that maintains overall functional strength and ability to meet daily life demands (carrying children, working around the house and yard, etc), maintains muscle mass in my 40s, keeps me fit in the case of an emergency, and has a slight bias towards...
  9. Other/Mixed Mixing movements in A+A/AGT

    Thinking through how to build a GPP program that fits my needs (be ready to enjoy chosen sports of trail running, back packing, obstacle course racing; meet the physical demands of a father and home owner; promote long term functional longevity) and is sustainable long term. I really have...
  10. Kettlebell Is Q&D or KBSF / A+A harder at a given weight?

    Hi all, I have both the Quick & Dead and the Kettlebell Strong First and I intend to do both back to back for 12 weeks each. I am wondering, if I had only one pair of 24 kg kettlebells, which program should I start with to get the most out of both programs? (like in milking / owning the bell...
  11. Kettlebell Question regarding combining A+A with other protocols

    Hello, I'm new to the forum but have been reading StrongLifts articles for some time and recently purchased the "Kettlebell StrongFirst" course. I have an hour in the morning to train each day, and plan to do 5 days of Simple and Sinister and 2 days of A+A each week. However, both of these...
  12. Other/Mixed A+A with strict or relaxed rests?

    I've been thinking about this lately. I'm contemplating the idea of programming LCCJ more like Iron Cardio, or timeless S&S, where the rests aren't strictly timed. I'm thinking about it like setting a timer and just doing sets for that time, while passing the talk test before each set, or at...
  13. Brak

    Kettlebell A+A+Glycolysis

    As many of you who have been helping me navigate some of the details of my Anti-Glycolytic / A+A style workouts know - in 2022 I read a lot about and bought into the premise of AGT and A+A style training. Due to an injury that needed to heal, and partly due to what I'd read, I stopped going to...
  14. Brak

    Kettlebell A+A Workout Duration Importance

    I've been doing A+A / AGT this year, and much of the good advice is to take whatever rest is required between sets to fully recover before the next effort. At the same time, I stubbornly can't shake some old habits like timing the workout, for seemingly good reason. The idea is that as we add...
  15. Programming Improv GPP and HIIT/glycolytic

    Curious about people's experiences and preferences for how often they incorporate HIIT/glycolytic training in their programming and what types they like? I understand this is likely largely dependent on fitness/training needs and goals. A little background on myself: I am a practicing...
  16. All Terrain Conditioning A+A for long distance trail running?

    Would love people’s input and ideas for using A+A as part of strength and conditioning training for long distance trail running specifically. What exercises would you use/suggest to specifically target gains for trail running? Also, what exercises would suggest in A+A as part of cross training...
  17. Brak

    Kettlebell Front Squat or Double Suitcase Deadlift

    I am planning an A+A / AGT training cycle. Overhead movements are contraindicated for my sad old shoulders, this rules out Snatch and Jerk which are a common prescription. I enjoyed a clean/front squat complex on my most recent cycle, so I am planning to continue using cleans and want to break...
  18. Training for Life

    Other/Mixed A+A / EMOM with changing exercises

    How do you see the A+A / EMOM -style training working with changing exercises as the session progresses? For example how would something like this work: Minutes 1-15: Power push-up(s) on the :00, sprint(s) on the :30 Minutes 16-30: Burpee(s) on the :00 and :30 Minutes 31-45: Pull-up(s) on the...
  19. Kettlebell KB SF BJJ Plan A & B fasted in the morning?

    Hi everyone, I've been enjoying this program in the evening for a few months, now. I started thinking about lessons from Q&D, like the different benefits of training in the morning or evening. Q&D is pretty explicit about this, but KB SF BJJ doesn't mention it. If I had to guess, that's to allow...
  20. Other/Mixed delta 20, different types of variables

    I've been intrigued by using the Delta 20 principle, for waving volume from session to session. I've done this A+A snatches, GTG pushups and pullups. I built a spreadsheet to track sessions over a 5 week block, using formulas to let me know if the plan doesn't wave 20% from day to day, and week...
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