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Bodyweight BODYWEIGHT.... what are you all working on or interested in?

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In NW, IIRC Pavel states that OAOLPU and pistols cover everything besides the calves and the pulling muscles of the lower back. Calves are easy to hit without equipment, but how would you work the pulling muscles without any equipment? Would weighted pistols be any different?
I did think later I should have clarified it to no external resistance.

TBH I don't think you can work the lower back pulling muscles massively with BW apart from with hypers and any stabilising work they do.

You can (I think?) work upper body pulling muscles (and maybe lower to an extent) with jack-knife pushups but obviously pull-ups, bodyweight horizontal rows will be better.
I am sure @Steve Freides is talking about SF style Tactical pull ups with full tension. I am sure they hit larger amount of back muscles if done properly.

SF hard style push ups were a surprise to me in terms of back muscles involved especially lats.
Lower back was mentioned a few times here, so here is my experience. When I want to train lower back bodyweight only, I do:
  • Reverse hypers in elbow lever position. It's uncomfortable, but this discomfort is also the reason why it's a good high tension movement in my opinion. You can get used to it very quickly. This allows you to perform highest number of reps from all of my "solutions" below.
  • Negative reverse hypers in free handstand position. Sometimes I even manage to get to positive phase and even perform 2-3 reps! If you are unable to perform free handstand, you can try this wall-supported, but I never did it this way.
  • Straddle planche. Sadly, I can hold it for only few seconds and it's very taxing for my shoulders.
But no BW exercise is full replacement for loaded hip hinge, because of that funny mechanoreceptors in your spine. That's why I recently added light snatches (12-24 kg) to my Naked Warrior regime and it's just great. That's why I am now quite interested in hybrid protocols including high tension bodyweight and kettlebell quick lifts. Any ideas, @Karen Smith , please? :)
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Interesting, I had always thought of pullups as a shoulder/upper back pulling excercise, never thought it would get the low back. Thanks!
Pavel tsatsouline said on joe rogan's podcast. U don't have 2 watch the whole thing. Just go on YouTube and type in Joe rogan pavel tsatsouline and click on the vid comparing bodyweight, barbell and kettlebell. He says that bodyweight makes it so you can't work your lower back effectively. No matter how many back bridges u do. U can't.
Pavel tsatsouline said on joe rogan's podcast. U don't have 2 watch the whole thing. Just go on YouTube and type in Joe rogan pavel tsatsouline and click on the vid comparing bodyweight, barbell and kettlebell. He says that bodyweight makes it so you can't work your lower back effectively. No matter how many back bridges u do. U can't.
He actually said in on multiple occasions and in several articles. You can train lower back bodyweight only *to some extent*, but it's always a compromise. Loaded hip hinge or loaded carries are non-negotiable for fully developed lower back. See my post above for BW-only lower back training I do sometimes.

Edit: like, for example here, in section Kettlebell for Bodyweight: Break up with Your Strength Tool of Choice | StrongFirst
I started doing single leg kb deadlift contra lateral two weeks ago. Thank you for the video and thoughts around this movement. I’m only using 20 pounds now, incredibly difficult move to execute properly. I started doing them because of a nagging left hip issue. Your kickstand deadlift idea excellent as well!
Thank you so much. Yes the SLDL and Kickstand DL are some of my favorites. They have the most carryover and allow you to see any asymmetries.
Muscle-ups for people who are seemingly unable to follow the normal progressions from any known program would be great! :)
Thank you so much. Yes the SLDL and Kickstand DL are some of my favorites. They have the most carryover and allow you to see any asymmetries.
Doing the sldl it’s super easy to see and feel the difference between legs. My left side is probably 30 percent weaker than right side.
Currently doing them 3 days a week 15 reps per leg super slow reps. I’m probably spending about 10 minutes to complete all reps.
Again- awesome exercise and picture perfect form and explanation on your video Karen!
Hello Bodyweight enthusiast and Instructors -
Hope you all are doing fabulous.
Been a bit since Ive been active on the forum or writing article which use to be a monthly task. This has been a busy year as my only child heading off to college this next week. :confused: new stage/journey.
Any way - I wanted to see how everyone is doing, what you are working on and what you are interested in learning? This will help with the inspiration for the next SFB article/s.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you guys.
I'd say how to integrate things like GTG/One Perfect Rep/By the Numbers as Specialized Variety work in concert with kettlebell or barbell work.

I've found over the past three years (where I mostly followed a Wendler 5/3/1 lifting split with bodyweight assistance) that it's a lot better for me to use my own bodyweight for my SV work versus other weights. More friendly on my joints as I'm creeping up on year 40 of living soon.
Hello Bodyweight enthusiast and Instructors -
Hope you all are doing fabulous.
Been a bit since Ive been active on the forum or writing article which use to be a monthly task. This has been a busy year as my only child heading off to college this next week. :confused: new stage/journey.
Any way - I wanted to see how everyone is doing, what you are working on and what you are interested in learning? This will help with the inspiration for the next SFB article/s.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you guys.
Love your work Karen!

I’m always working the basics with the odd ‘something else’ sprinkled in.

As I age, I’m more and more interested in strength and health, not just strength. For calisthenics, and chins and pull ups in particular, any tips on keeping elbows healthy and good warm up principles would be welcome. Perhaps how often to rotate such exercises (using same but different principles).

My elbows have started to complain a little at times. so cognisant of not doing damage.

Best wishes.
Love your work Karen!

I’m always working the basics with the odd ‘something else’ sprinkled in.

As I age, I’m more and more interested in strength and health, not just strength. For calisthenics, and chins and pull ups in particular, any tips on keeping elbows healthy and good warm up principles would be welcome. Perhaps how often to rotate such exercises (using same but different principles).

My elbows have started to complain a little at times. so cognisant of not doing damage.

Best wishes.
Plus one for elbows
Standing long jump. Safer than box squats.
Am curious, why is standing long jump safer than box squats ? The way I currently see it .......on the box squat if you fail you just sit on the box whereas a standing long jump could have a far nastier ending ie bad landing and twist ankle ............ however am keen to better understand and be corrected, what have I misunderstood ?
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