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Mitch Bernier - (Blended) Power and Bodyweight

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Mitchell Bernier

Level 4 Valued Member
Hi all!!!

Small intro:
37 years old, 160lbs
SFL certified,
former USA (Metro) boxing boxer @ 135lbs and 147lbs (53-13-1),
FMS and USATF certified,
CSCS in the works,
Currently a marathoner 8 months yearly, the other 4-5 months powerlifter

Recent injuries:
About 6 months ago I tweaked my back on a conventional Deadlift @ 395lbs. I didn't think much about it until i tried to place my 5 month old daughter into her play pen and couldn't get back up. Spent a week curled up on the couch because that is all that elevated pain. Spent the last couple of months rehabbing and after a few months back to some values close to old numbers.

Currently using a blended program with a focus on running capacity, speed and creating an injury free year.
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Hi all!!!

Small intro:
37 years old, 160lbs
SFL certified,
former USA (Metro) boxing boxer @ 135lbs and 147lbs (53-1-13),
FMS and USATF certified,
CSCS in the works,
Currently a marathoner 8 months yearly, the other 4-5 months powerlifter

Recent injuries:
About 6 months ago I tweaked my back on a conventional Deadlift @ 395lbs. I didn't think much about it until i tried to place my 5 month old daughter into her play pen and couldn't get back up. Spent a week curled up on the couch because that is all that elevated pain. Spent the last couple of months rehabbing and after a few months back to some values close to old numbers.

Currently using a blended program with a focus on running capacity, speed and creating an injury free year.

Jun 28th
So today on the menu was the mini #TSC.
Deficit deadlifts, pullup and snatches. Here was the scheme:
a1. 3x8 Cossack SQ
a2. 3x2+2 TGU


3 x 5+5
Rest upto 5 min
Deficit Deadlift
3 x 5,3,1 (55%, 60%, 65%)
Rest upto 5 min
Pull Ups
1 x All out

I call this my mini TSC. All the TSC elements with some twists that differ from what we see in other plans.
My focus the next couple of months is a faster 5k times.

The mini TSC gives me all the elements that I need while adding in the mileage.
Power development, conditioning and the posterior chain strength needed to balance out all my running.

I decided to pull Deficits because on my last training block, I was tapped out at 385lbs. The slow % increase over the next couple of weeks should support my inability to break the floor. Used this tactic when I had to test out for my SFL and it worked quite nicely.

Day 2 coming next.
Jun 28th
So today on the menu was the mini #TSC.
Deficit deadlifts, pullup and snatches. Here was the scheme:
a1. 3x8 Cossack SQ
a2. 3x2+2 TGU


3 x 5+5
Rest upto 5 min
Deficit Deadlift
3 x 5,3,1 (55%, 60%, 65%)
Rest upto 5 min
Pull Ups
1 x All out

I call this my mini TSC. All the TSC elements with some twists that differ from what we see in other plans.
My focus the next couple of months is a faster 5k times.

The mini TSC gives me all the elements that I need while adding in the mileage.
Power development, conditioning and the posterior chain strength needed to balance out all my running.

I decided to pull Deficits because on my last training block, I was tapped out at 385lbs. The slow % increase over the next couple of weeks should support my inability to break the floor. Used this tactic when I had to test out for my SFL and it worked quite nicely.

Day 2 coming next.

Reminder that Deficit Deadlifts can be tricky from a mobility stand point.......
Jeeze....haven't been on thread but still training as business has picked up.

He has been the routine 3x weekly for the last couple of weeks. Looking to get bigger lifts soon.

Warm up
Arm bars each side 3 x 30 secs
Single Arm Contra Lateral Deadbugs 3 x 15
Bilateral KB Pull Over 3 x 10
Bilateral KB Hold with Glute Bridge

Goblet SQ + Swings @ 28k
- Every 30 secs SQ, Swing alternating 10x10

Farmers Carry 36k, long walk 3 x 60 sec

About 40 mins of work.
Quick minutes yesterday to get in some movement.

Warm Up
Cossack SQ 3 x 10 LR
Armbar 3 x 60 sec LR

BL Swings 3 x 10 , 24k, 28k, 36lk
Split SQ 3 x 10 , 24k
Gorilla Rows 3 x 15 , 12k
Push UPs 3 x 20

Then back to work. I actually like thus setup up as it covers alot of patterns.

a1. Cossack SQ 3 x 10 LR
a2. TGU 3 x 3 LR @ 24k, 28k

b. Two Handed Swings @ 28k
- 5 reps every 30 sec
- 10 min limit

#tgu #squats #cossack #kettlebell

a1. Cossack SQ 3 x 10 LR @12k
a2. TGU 3 x 3 LR @ 20k

b1. Single Leg Deadlift 3 x 10 LR @16k
b2. Gorilla Rows 3 x 15 LR @16k
b3. Push Ups 3 x 20

Time 45 mins

#tgu #squats #cossack #kettlebell #swings
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