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Other/Mixed Whether a 50% reps is a 50% of effort ? "GTG"

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Mateusz Calisthenics

Level 1 Valued Member
Whether a 50% of the maximum number of repeating is a 50% of maximum effort ?
It is about "GTG" method

I'm confused about something.

For example:
I tested my max in One arm push ups (legs together)
I got 4 reps in good form so I decided to do everyday a few sets of 2 reps (50% of max reps) with the same form like in test, but with use high voltage techniques from "The Naked Warrior" - Pavel Tsatsouline book.
When I do these 2 reps with high voltage techniques I feel that I'm more tired than do just 2 reps without them.
I feel like I used around 60% of max effort per set, but I do only 50% of max reps.

Other example:
I tested my max in Pistol Squads + 20kg. I got 5 reps with good form so I decided to do everyday a few sets of 2 reps (40% of max reps because 50% is 2,5 rep...) with the same form like in test, but with use high voltage techniques. I feel like I used around 50% of max effort per set, but I do only 40% of max reps.

I do those exercises everyday in the same speed and in good form like in the test of maximum reps, but using in addition high voltage techniques....

Conclusions :
Using high voltage techniques like strong stomach tension, squeezing the floor etc... makes me put more effort into the exercise than you need to. Because of that I am tiring on the 60% by doing the 50% of max reps.
You know that if you will be tensing muscles to the maximum during normal push ups you can be tired after a few reps (Even if you can do hundreds of push ups)

Finally :
Should I do sets of 30%-40% max reps to stay below 50% of effort ?
Is it good to do a lot of sets with only 1 rep per set when 4 is my max ?
And what's your experience ?

Please help me :)

About Me :
Age: 16 Years Old
Probation: More than 1 Year
Height: Around 173 Centimeters
Weight: Around 61 Kg
Level: 2 Pistol Squads +32kg, 3 One Arm Push Ups +15kg
I have already read "The Naked Warrior" and "Power to the People" written by Pavel Tsatsouline.
I started train with "GTG" method 6 months ago.
NW teachs you how to build tension without the weight. i think it's half the rep you can do with maximum-nearly maximum with all the technique (pull your knee caps, pinching butts, ...)
They are some very impressive stats for a 16 YO guy !

Some of the SFG's may have a different take on this but here's my two cents, so take it with a pinch of salt.

I can see you are looking to optimise your training and get the best results but a few percent points difference here and there isn't going to make too much difference. My take on the philosophy of GTG is to finish each set feeling fresh so you can do the same thing again later and always remain fresh.

Try to think of it as practice rather than training, if you activate the neuro muscular pathways often enough it's just like any other skill practice, do it often enough & you'll get good at it.

So I believe there is quite a bit tolerance for varying intensity levels as long as you don't overdo it. Maybe you could have a slightly heavy day and lighter day or even vary the intensity from set to set.

If you notice any signs of over training then by all means back off a bit & if you feel you're not getting the results you want you can increase the intensity slightly and see if it pans out the way you expect.

Stay fresh and practice often.
@Mateusz Calisthenics, welcome to the StrongFirst forum.

Conclusions :
Using high voltage techniques like strong stomach tension, squeezing the floor etc... makes me put more effort into the exercise than you need to.
Yes, that's correct.

Because of that I am tiring on the 60% by doing the 50% of max reps.
You know that if you will be tensing muscles to the maximum during normal push ups you can be tired after a few reps (Even if you can do hundreds of push ups)

One of the most important concepts you must still learn is finding the appropriate level of effort, of tension, for your practice. You sound like you're overdoing it a little. No one can know what your 60% and your 50% are - you must learn for yourself as you practice. If you think you're doing too much, dial back your effort a little.

These tension techniques - "high voltage" - are what, through practice, will make your pushups safer and will make you stronger. Any effort, at any perceived percentage of maximum, still needs to practice the correct "high voltage" techniques, just at an appropriate level of intensity. Our concern is that you not give up on certain techniques just because the effort is lower, but rather that you learn to dial down these techniques to an appropriate level.

Forget the percentages, just make sure you are and stay fresh every time you train GTG style.
I think it is the best way :) I use "GTG" on my Full Planche and Front Lever. I focus on percentages because I want to make progress as soon as possible so that in a few years I will catch up with street workout legends
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