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  1. mikhael

    Kettlebell StrongFirst Reload Cycle and S&S

    Hi all, I'm wondering how to schedule a plan in which I would like to have S&S sessions and DL with Squats as in Reload? I have 5-6 sessions of S&S with 32kg (Timeless Simple competed), but I think in order to add some DL and SQ I would have to reduce to 3-4. The main goal would be to get...
  2. ancientstrength

    Bodyweight Calisthenics vs Deadlift

    Ever since reading the book "Building the Gymnastic Body" I was amazed at the claims by the author. The book was written by a gymnastics coach by the name of Christopher Sommer. He stated that one of his students deadlifted 181kg/400lbs on his first attempt. The most impressive thing is that the...
  3. Kettlebell Squat, Deadlift - Form Check

    Hi, I'm Alex, I've been practicing with kettlebells for almost a year with some months off because of a mild left shoulder injury and problems with hemmorrhoids. While on pause I did the stretches from S&S and shoulder focused excercises for recovery, I've also been to a physical therapist a...
  4. Barbell Why can't I get stronger in my squat and deadlift? Please help.

    Hi there guys! I've been training for about 3 years now, mostly crossfit and weightlifting. I started from being just a computer nerd into pulling 190kg deadlift and 160kg squat within 2 years. But, after that I could never go higher, and now I have problems lifting that weight aswell...
  5. Filip Strong

    Barbell Deadlift Form Check

    Greetings brothers and sisters in strength! In the last few months I've been working on my deadlift (I want to compete in TSC). I've been recording most of them and I've chosen some to show you. In the videos, it can be seen that my lower back isn't perfect flat. I've been trying to improve...
  6. Barbell Wedging for the DL and Bloody Shins

    Hello everyone! I had a question about the proper set up for the DL. I've seen the lift taught in two ways and I was wondering which of the two is taught at SFL. 1. Some teach that bar should be pulled upward. The bar should remain in contact with your shins, but it should not scrape them to...
  7. Barbell DL & Squat Form Check

    Hello! I was hoping to get a form check on on my Squat and DL this week. I've included the links below: DL: Squat: Thanks!
  8. Barbell Deadlift form check

    Hello everyone, I am new here. Can I get a DL form check please? My lower back seems to round a bit immediately right after I pull the weight off the floor. The rounding isn't as bad as it looks like on a cat, but it does make me feel like my back isn't tight enough. What should I do? Thanks...
  9. Kettlebell Kettlebell Movement Substitutes for Fabio's Hypertrophy Program

    Few years back, Fabio discussed his hypertrophy program -> If It Flies Right, It Looks Right: My Journey to a Bodybuilding Competition | StrongFirst I am hoping to give his program a try but all with KBs. He mentions near the end of the post here that the program can be done with just KB->...
  10. Simply Simple

    Have finally decided to log my training. Which I should have done ages ago. Current program is S&S. Today’s session: Swings: 10*10 Emom for 10mins. TGU: 6 each side within 10 mins. Had yesterday off so felt fresh so pushed the TGUs. Swings feeling crisper than ever. Have decreased the...
  11. tyler_roche

    Barbell Sumo Deadlift Form Check

    I am recovering from a hip injury and wanted to make sure my deadlifts weren't an issue. 100kgx5 (Max 145) I want to compete in a powerlifting meet in a couple months and my deadlift is lacking. Wanted to know if there is anything I can do.
  12. mikhael

    Kettlebell Vodka and Pickles Plan Structure

    Hi. I'm planning to start Vodka and Pickles and I'm considering how to implement upper body exercises. One of my conception is to add the following: Dips (weighted and unweighted) Push-ups (4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 Pyramid performed 3-4 times a week according to this plan) Pull-ups Advance PIKE...
  13. mikhael

    Barbell Deadlift combined with Q&D

    Hi, I would be happy if somebody would give me feedback on the following conception of combining deadlift with Q&D. I have struggled to make them both work together but doing swings and lifts 5-6 times a week would surely lead to an injury, or at least to overtraining. It was not easy to solve...
  14. mikhael

    Off-Topic Deadlift and coccyx (tailbone) pain

    Hi, First of all, I would like to write that I really love Deadlifting. I've started my journey with this power exercise from PTTP about four weeks ago and went from 5x220 to 5x275 lbs. Everything is going well but there is something that bothers me. The things are I feel a slight pain in my...
  15. Barbell Deadlift form

    i have been using a deadlift form similar to starting strengths since when i read pttp some time ago it wasnt clear to me what was the way strongfirst taught it But now i realise as im getting up in weight that it is getting suboptimal and my hips are too high and in dont get qui as much tight...
  16. Kettlebell Back injury, Mcgill method and Pttp

    Hi everyone, This is my first post on the forum. I am 28 years old. I hurt my back about 3 weeks ago. Before that i had been following pttp since 4-5 weeks with deadlifts and floor presses. After going through the stuart mcgill's back mechanic and listening to various podcasts he has been on, i...
  17. Barbell Pavel singles program amazing results !!!!!

    so hello everyone first of all i want to thank this forum for all the help you give i just tested my deadlift max today after doing pavels singles program my max before starting was 160 kg today i pulled 180 kg and failed 190 kg at almost lockout . My results could have been better but since i...
  18. LewisF

    Barbell This guy's deadlift technique

    Hi everyone. I wanted to get your thoughts on this guy's deadlift technique. Sorry, I don't know how to embed the video. In my opinion: his legs are too wide his a#@ is too low - it's like a squat, not a deadlift on the way down the bar does not...
  19. Barbell Couldnt resist can i recover ?

    hello everyone ive been i did some pttp cycles wich went very well for me for some weeks now i have been doing a pavel deadlift si gles program and today after a stressful day i couldnt resist i juste went in after my12 singles and put 350 the 400 on the bar and failed it at lockout i still have...
  20. Tactical Barbell: "Operator" template, "SWAT" cluster

    Find current training program beginning Post #62 [Background] 32, M, 6'0, 190lbs (200lbs as of July '19). Married (10 yrs), 2 kids (6 and 1). Was a true gym bro in high school and did bodybuilding splits but always prioritized chest and arms days, and usually skipped legs days . Inactive...
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