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form check

  1. Kettlebell Beginner seeking guidance.

    Hello all, I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide. Background I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs) I began from a fairly sedentary...
  2. Rune K

    Kettlebell Form Check

  3. noezway

    Kettlebell Optimizing Performance: Feedback on My Two-Arm Swing & Turkish Get-Up

    Hey everyone, I'm in week 4 of the Simple & Sinister program and focusing on refining my two-arm swing and Turkish get-up techniques. Below are videos of my current form. I would greatly appreciate your feedback and tips for improvement. Let me know if better camera angles will help. As you...
  4. Niggling injuries with S&S

    Wondering if others have experienced similar issues with shoulders, lower biceps and elbows with 1H swings? I've got about 20 or so S&S sessions in the books with 24KG and noticing some soreness in my lower biceps at the elbow joint. My right shoulder has some pain/soreness (front shoulder as...
  5. Kettlebell TGU and Two handed swing form check

    Hi team, Would love a form check on my get ups and two handed swing. Making my way to Simple grade from Simple and Sinister. At 24kg swings and 16/20kg get ups. Swings Get Ups I've been dealing with irritated knees and lower back. Not sure if my form is to blame or from other areas of...
  6. Kettlebell Form Check: Snatch

    Would you kind enough to check my form and give feedback? I feel like I have different technique between my left and right hand. With my left I tend to swing the KB to parallel and then pull my shoulders and elbow back before thrusting upwards. With my right I tend to pull my shoulder on the...
  7. Kettlebell Snatch form check

    Can you guys please critique my snatch form. Here’s a few links. One is me practicing with a 24kg bell and another with a 32kg bell. Looking forward. Thanks! 24kg 32kg
  8. Barbell Form check please - Return to sumo DL

    Hey Folks! Form Check: Post Disk herniation/bulge returning back into DLs running easy strength. You can find my log and details here
  9. Kettlebell 1H Swing Form Check

    Hello all! This week I am finishing my 4th week of Timeless Simple, averaging 5x per week. I should have done this a long time ago, but would you review my form and let me know what I can do better? @Steve Freides, if I unknowingly am breaking a rule or procedure, please let me know! Thanks...
  10. Barbell Deadlift Form Feedback

    I'm currently doing the Modified DeLorme in Pavel's Beyond Bodybuilding book, which is why I'm using 100 lbs, instead of 135 (my gym doesn't have any bumper plates). Other than that, is there anything wrong with my deadlift form?
  11. rvaldrich

    Kettlebell Humblingly Weak

    So I recently succumbed to not just injuries but the need to get some help. Shoulder problems just weren't resolving themselves with rest and care. Despite a long history of bad experiences with physical therapists, I went to see one. I am glad I did. She identified that I basically didn't...
  12. Kettlebell Form Check Request

    Hey everyone. Found kettlebells this year due to some nagging injuries with barbell work. Planned on just a few weeks with my cheap adjustable KB but I was bitten by the bug and felt compelled to keep going. Purchased S&S, 24kg, 32kg, and committed to reaching Simple before moving on. Spent...
  13. Hung

    Kettlebell Double bell Form check

    I get back to do Clean, Jerk and Squat with double 25k, usually 1 Clean-1 jerk-1 squat then increase reps of clean or jerk or squat to 2 or 3 reps, then get back to 1 (ladder). Because this is nearly the only training that I do it this day so I want to make sure the form looks right. Any idea...
  14. Kettlebell Form Check: 2x24KG & 28KG Swings

    Demographic: 35 Male, 195 lb Injury History: Partial tears in tendons in both knees, but fully recovered. Occasional lower back pain from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Movement History: No issues. Sports: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, cycling, running. Looking for some help on my kettlebell swings, both single...

    Kettlebell 2H Swing Form Check

    Hi everyone, just started out with KB training recently and would love some critique on my form for 16 KB 2H swings. I’m very good at spotting others issues but not my own somehow, I know it won’t be perfect. Any critique is welcomed, be as harsh as you’d like, I’m here to learn. Apologies if...
  16. Kettlebell Squat, Deadlift - Form Check

    Hi, I'm Alex, I've been practicing with kettlebells for almost a year with some months off because of a mild left shoulder injury and problems with hemmorrhoids. While on pause I did the stretches from S&S and shoulder focused excercises for recovery, I've also been to a physical therapist a...
  17. TobiasNeuffer

    Kettlebell Form Check Get Up 16 kg & Question

    Hi there fellow strong first aficionados! I would really appreciate your opinions on my turkish get-up form. The only part that feels uncomfortable to me is the transition from elbow to back on the way back (especially on the left side). I always slide around on the floor to create some space...
  18. Barbell Squat form check

    Hello all, Hoping to get a form check for my Squat. Here is my previous form check. The most important advice was that I needed to slow down and control my descent to consistently reach depth. Another issue was that my heels were coming up at the bottom of the squat (probably due to my...
  19. Barbell Power-clean form check please!

    Hi everyone, So I just started doing power-cleans today, and my form looks egregious. I would like some feedback please. There are too many things wrong with this. From what I can see: I am not jumping high enough; I am yanking the bar with my hands as the bar comes in contact with my mid...
  20. Barbell DL & Squat Form Check

    Hello! I was hoping to get a form check on on my Squat and DL this week. I've included the links below: DL: Squat: Thanks!
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