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strength and conditioning

  1. 12BravoGuy

    Training Log (Public) Minimalist Plan for Real-world Performance

    Hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker in the forum but this is my first time posting here. Finally decided to pull the trigger. A litte background, I'm a 35 y/o Active Duty soldier in the US Army, serving as a combat engineer. I've been in the army for a little over 6 years. Before that, I...
  2. Looking for advice - strength fat-loss program

    Hello everyone! First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte...
  3. Other/Mixed Mixing PTP and S&S

    I looked before in the forum and found some similar questions, but none really answered what a i wanted to know, so I decided to create this new thread. Let's cut to the chase: My schedule for the last six weeks (I'm in my seventh) has been this: M, T, T, F - PTP W, S, S - S&S I mentioned a...
  4. Other/Mixed “Easy Strength” question

    Reading ”Easy Strength” currently. Around page 40 Dan John gives an example of a warmup progression. With quite a few movements and exercises. He seems to be implying that he uses this warmup every training session? Possibly even daily? Later in the book they’d give suggestions on how to do...
  5. Other/Mixed Amazing Stories of Strength!

    Everyone's heard of strength feats from yesteryear that boarder on mythical e.g. the great gada lifting a 1200kg stone, etc... I want to know if YOU or someone close to you has a story of displaying impressive strength. Dan John said in his podcast that he lifted a sorority girls car out of a...
  6. Kettlebell Strong First Programming

    Hey everyone - I am newbie to the forum (but a long time follower of Strongfirst programming). I have completed the fighter pulp program in the past, (did simple and sinister for a bit but never completed the program) and recently completed quick and the dead and loved it. I am 39 yrs young in...
  7. Kettlebell 3 MMA Fighter Conditioning Questions.

    I read this article; S&C Training for MMA With Simple & Sinister | StrongFirst I have a few questions: 1. What is an 'original strength reset'? I've not heard of that before 2. It mentions that He does Shadow Boxing in the fast and loose way. I know what fast & loose is (essentially...
  8. Kettlebell Side to Side Kettlebell Swing Benefits

    In Deadlift Dynamite, It's written that "the side to side kettlebell swing is used by football players for obvious reasons" I have no idea what those reasons could be. Why would football players use it? To be more effective as stepping or running sideways? Is anyone able to tell me what...
  9. Kettlebell Pavel's BJJFanatics Kettlebell DVD is on sale (10/11/21)

    Hi all, I bought this a few months ago and read through the attached PDF. I am in favor of this plan as a BJJ practitioner and I plan to do it once I finish Kettlebell STRONG phase 2. The...
  10. Bodyweight Boxing strengt and conditioning

    Hey i need some help on s c for boxing. I train boxing every day but im a litle stuck at my s c Im a fireplug at 80 kg 180 cm. Would it be beter for me to do the circuts squat push ups pull ups dips. 3 sets. 3 times a day not go to failure or have own sessions with them etc 3 times a week?
  11. Kettlebell Can an alternating barbell and kettlebell routine grow muscle mass and train general athleticism?

    The idea I have is I'd train 3 days a week Mon, Wed, Fri, and alternate between training with barbells for hypertrophy and training with kettlebells for general athleticism and strength. With barbells, I'd perform deadlifts, bench presses, rows, squats, military press. So far I'm planning to...
  12. Kettlebell Kettlebell press to double press

    Does anyone know the ratio of kettlebell presses and cleans to double presses and cleans? Ive heard everything from 0.67-0.9
  13. kiwipete

    Off-Topic Adrenal fatigue - training / lifestyle suggestions?

    Hi Team, There is a part of my brain that is slow to learn... I've had a history of burning myself out and while I haven't had an official diagnosis, the signs strongly indicate that I have adrenal fatigue issues. I love moving and training but I have a very limited capacity for recovery even...
  14. Other/Mixed Special forces selection

    Hi, I want to talk about training load in preparation for this event. I have to run 3 times a week (long run 10-15km, 5km intesive and intervals for Cooper test). I have 3 to 4 training sesion for strengt endurance a w. What type of program would you recommend? I propably will have to do high...
  15. Jonatan Malmlöf

    Barbell Powerlifting and kettlebells.

    Hello fellow strongfirst instuctors and power to you! My training has recently switch more towards powerlifting and focus on max strength plus optimized performance im the art of lifting. Any of you who have this kind of area of experties on how to best intergrate kettlebells for better...
  16. Roman Kladivo

    Barbell Program Critique Needed

    Hi everyone, After more than year of dedicated kettlebell lifting, I decided to switch to barbell and slowly prepare myself for SFL. Unfortunately, I am not really experienced when it comes to barbell programming so I would gladly accept any pieces of advice I can get. But first few things...
  17. DavThew

    Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB Trembling Shock by Jon Engum - Book Review

    I've had about a week to read and digest this book and I'm pretty darn happy with it. The author presents his long experience melding martial arts and sensible strength and conditioning training. Although there are plenty of good resources around for GGP training (which is a reasonable place to...
  18. Other/Mixed Suggestions tailoring my routine?

    Hi everyone, new here but a long time fitness enthusiast. I have become more fascinated with Pavel's methods and want some advice modifying my routine. I train at home and basically do a combination of calisthenics (pullups, dips, pushups, pistols, l sits, ab wheel rollouts, planks, etc.)...
  19. Kettlebell Slightly stalled subsequent "Simple", slide toward "Solid" or switch systems?

    Hey guys, First off, yes, I was trying to have everything in the title start with 's'. Since March, I have made great progress, learned a lot, and surprised myself with the ability to get to the point where I am regularly swinging 32kgs with one arm as well as training the get up with 36 &...
  20. Kettlebell Alternating TGUs with the push press?

    Hey guys, I was reading this article: S&C Training for MMA With Simple & Sinister and a quote stood out to me. Once Viktor got to heavier get-ups (36 kg+), we started to alternate get-ups with push presses (Pavel Tsatsouline’s recommendation). One day we did swings and get-ups, the other day...
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