No Pain, Less Strain, More Gain—What the…?

Most endurance training plans are predicated on sheer volume. For triathletes, runners, and cyclists, that can mean triple-digit mileage every week. In other sports and activities, it involves more sets, repetitions, and tonnage, possibly across multiple sessions per day. The trouble is that such high volume often leads to injury and in the long run […]

Two Powerful Methods for Improving Your Pull-Up

Transform your pull-ups from "fine" to "outstanding." You may need to step back the weight and the reps at first to get them to "outstanding" status, but this is how to do it.

Five Energy Leaks to Plug so Your Strength Gains Flow

As we continue our pursuit of strength, we are regularly threatened by a stealthy nemesis that rears its head between us and our goals. Lying dormant from the very beginning of our journey, this common enemy waits patiently for the perfect moment to strike—just as we think we are going to progress and often, costing […]