Pressing Strength Carryovers

In our StrongFirst system, there are many “a-ha” or “what the heck” moments that are identified as carryover effects. These carryovers translate into unexpected strength gains, better movement, and endurance in other lifts you haven’t specifically been training. This is an exciting part of the training process, when your lifts become easier, and you find […]

Unlocking the One-arm Push-up

Mastering the fundamentals and looking back to them for guidance is something I learned from Pavel. I'm going to share with you how this inspired my own aha moment regarding the one-arm push-up.

The Single-leg Deadlift: The Most Underutilized and Powerful Skill

Adding the SLDL into your training will improve your balance and help you hit personal records in your pistol, get-up, and barbell deadlift, while having carryover to many other skills.

Forge New Footprints: Consistency, Variability, and the FMS

Consistency is key in training, but must be paired with variability. To move well, you first need a baseline, and then a system that takes you into different postures and positions.