The Mental Toughness of a Strength Athlete

My goal is to instill respect in an all-out strength effort as an act of mental toughness every bit in the league with an exhausting race. And to remind you the meaning of respect, period.

The Way You Carry Your Strength Matters

If you are reading this blog, you are strong, or at least on your way to strong. Do not let it go to your head. Let your conduct inspire the weak to be strong.

Class Envy: Strength Envy from the Upper Class

I am convinced the upper class are simply envious of the strong. And envy breeds resentment. This is a slippery slope, ladies and gentlemen. I come from a country that was ripped apart by class envy and drowned in blood.

If It Looks Right, It Flies Right

Good movement is something a biomechanist could take it apart and marvel at the efficiency. An engineer famously quipped, “If it looks right, it flies right.”

How to Get Good at Programming

To create good programming, you need to study successful program designs of strength coaches operating within the same training system.

No Substitutions

I have news for you. Being full of yourself for no reason whatsoever is the ticket to wasting your twenties and possibly thirties. In training and in other aspects of your life.

Emergency Action Plan Programming

Like any unpleasant experience, we too often place the need for an emergency action plan on the back burner, but like that unwatched pot, sometimes events boil over.

The How and Why to Green Strength Training

Environmentalism is not a cause close to my heart, but I do not like waste. Hence this blog and a few suggestions on how to conduct green strength training.

Memorial Day: A Time to Remember Thankfulness

Every day can be Memorial Day. Every day, we can choose to remember that so much has been done for us with no bill due for services rendered. It is a day to practice and remember thankfulness.

Is Greatness Possible Without Obsession?

True greatness in any field of endeavor requires obsession, dedication, and sacrifice. If it is a game you want to win, obsession is a powerful weapon in your arsenal.