A Hip Hinge Program to Help You Generate Deadlift and Swing Power

The goal of this program is to re-tool and potentiate your hip hinge for safer, stronger reps. We are building up by doubling-down on trunk stability, training deadlift variations, and focusing on speed reps.

The 2 Most Common Errors in Kettlebell Swing Set-up

Just like the set-up for any skill, the set-up for the swing is critical. Before the hike, we need to be in proper position for the hike. This attention to detail will allow you to begin and end each set powerfully and safely.

Patience: The Unexpected Key to Power

You may consider patience as something that comes in handy when dealing with money, traffic, or children. But perhaps you have not yet considered it in relation to physically expressing power.

Personal Space Rules When Snatching the Kettlebell

There is significant research into what we casually refer to as "personal space," and surprisingly, the concept of personal space can also assist us in enhancing our technique in snatching a kettlebell.

Simple & Sinister + Heart Rate Training

This article will explain how to incorporate heart rate training into the Simple & Sinister program, and how to progress over time.

The Simply Sinister Training Plan

Putting myself in a position to be uncomfortable while training to manage the suck of the Sinister protocol was not the problem. Finding time consistently to do this was. Thus, the Simply Sinister program was born.

Solid: In-Between Simple & Sinister

Here are my thoughts, tips, and tricks from my training through the space in-between Simple and Sinister. I will point out aspects of S&S program that are often overlooked, but which are key to your long-term improvement.

What to Do With Your Free Hand During a One-arm Swing

Once you begin practicing the one-arm swing, then the issue of what to do with the free hand promptly arises. Here are the five acceptable options along with demonstration and explanations of each.

The Power of Swings and Get-ups for Hockey Training

Learning how to properly execute and teach these two movements has had a huge impact on my programming philosophy as a coach to professional hockey players.

Understanding Center of Mass in Kettlebell Training

Dumbbells center the weight with your hand, but a kettlebell’s center is six to eight inches from the handle and changes depending on the exercise. Understanding center of mass can be used to your advantage.