Should You Train Your Slow Twitch Fibers?

Cutting-edge Russian research tells us every type of athlete, from marathoner to powerlifter, has a lot to gain from training slow twitch fibers.

The Cost of Adaptation

The path to health seems simple: train hard, increase your health, and live happily ever after. But the cost of adaptation makes you vulnerable to other stressors.

The Origins of StrongFirst Programming: The Soviet System

An experienced eye can easily see the logic behind an American training plan. A Russian plan, when you look at it up close, is just noise. You have to step a lot farther back to see the pattern in what appears to be chaos.

Things Are Going So Well, Help Me Screw It Up, Part I

The road to mastery is, and should be, a long one. The following is a systematic approach to mastery using programs created by Pavel.

Breathing Drills: Maximize Force and Oxygen

The goal of both the martial arts practitioner and the StrongFirst practitioner is to generate maximum force. Practicing breathing drills is how we do this.

Okinawan Strength: Developing the “Iron Body”

The martial arts embody a particular set of strength principles. We have investigated some of these techniques in the lab and the training room. Here are some thoughts on Okinawan strength and developing an iron body.

Forward to the Past: the Best Strength Systems

The surprising truth is the strength-training methods of the 1980s were decidedly superior to today’s methods. To go forward, we must go BACK to the future.

Things Are Going So Well, Help Me Screw It Up, Part II

We should use performance standards to dictate when new skills are introduced. Follow the path laid out by Pavel and other top instructors. Let’s take a look at how this works.

The Top Set Method: A Stress Free Strength Routine

I can make great, steady progress using the Top Set Method. If you’re burnt out, stressed, or short on sleep, this program is designed for you.

The Tension Day

Enter the Tension Day, a simple model for implementing tension practice in almost any strength regimen, regardless of your goals and preferred training implement.