Controlling Gravity for Better Squats, Deadlifts, and Presses

The very definition of a lift is moving load upwards against gravity; but what goes up must come down. If you’re only paying attention to one half of every squat, deadlift, and press, you’re missing out on a heap of strength and stability, and likely setting yourself up for injury down the road. It’s time […]

How Mastering the Pause can Boost your Bench Press

How do you boost your bench press? By mastering the pause between your concentric and eccentric movements. Master SFG Dr. Michael Hartle explains why and provides two practice techniques to help teach you how. Lower. Pause. Press Up. Repeat. Four words that could describe a lot of different things going on in that order. However, […]

A Look Inside the StrongFirst Lifter (SFL) Barbell Instructor Certification

The lifts, the preparation, the weekend itself, and priceless bits of advice—the barbell and its ultimate instructional experience, the SFL Certification—are demystified.

Sinister, Occam’s Razor, and 2018

How does StrongFirst's Director of Education and Chief SFG Instructor plan out his training for the coming year? Here's a peek behind the curtain, of one of the smartest minds in strength.

What Chocolate Chip Cookies and Guinness Beer Can Teach You About Barbell Basics

On the flight home from teaching a StrongFirst Lifter certification (SFL), I was thinking about the programming section and some of our discussions. One of the questions that always gets asked is: “What about assistance exercises?” My answer is simple—until you have spent at least a year working on the movements that we taught at […]

How to Row 3000 Miles Across an Ocean with a Barbell

How do you strengthen sport required qualities in the gym and practice the skills it requires in sports-specific sessions when your chosen sport is a 3000 mile ocean row? No, not by rowing machines, ultra marathon runs or sit ups. By training your slow-twitch muscle fiber strength with barbell back squats and seated cable rows. Here’s […]

“Which Knee Sleeves Should I Buy?”

The ubiquity of knee sleeves at the weight room squat rack make them a tempting purchase for a novice lifter. Should you wear them? First meet this squat strength benchmark, and then the answer is "maybe".