Spring 2017 TSC Results

Ladies and gentlemen, the Spring 2017 TSC results are final! Congratulations to all who participated and let us acknowledge the highest combined scores in each of the ten categories.

Adjust Your Sails (and Your Stance) with the Lock and Rock

I want to focus on one particular area of our anatomical structure and the impact of variations. I am going to suggest a way to individualize foot position for symmetrical stance exercise (swings, squats, etc.) because sometimes we need to “adjust our sails.”

Patience: The Unexpected Key to Power

You may consider patience as something that comes in handy when dealing with money, traffic, or children. But perhaps you have not yet considered it in relation to physically expressing power.

Spring 2016 TSC Results

This April 2016 TSC included nearly 1,200 participants—the most in history. Here are the highest scores in each of the eight categories.

The Subtle But Essential Role of the Triceps Brachii in the Deadlift

The triceps brachii are often overlooked in the deadlift, even by competitive powerlifters. But when engaged properly, they help you generate more strength and power and reduce injury.

Fall 2016 TSC Results

The Fall TSC results are final! Thank you to everyone who took part in this day of worldwide strength, spirit, and camaraderie—and we would like to especially welcome all of our first-time participants. We hope you're hooked.

How to Prepare for, Pass, and Get the Most Out of the SFL

Like the SFG, one of the biggest challenges for SFL participants can be figuring out how to prepare. This article is meant to serve as a guide to help you develop a plan to be ready for and get the most out of your SFL experience.

When Tension Is a Beautiful Thing

I am neither discussing different types of headaches, nor the strength properties of a barbell and its ability to resist bending and becoming permanently deformed. I am talking about what your body needs to generate prior to loading it.

The 3 Pillars: How to Build Skill While Being Real

Dr. Thomas refers to the Three Pillars of Progression, Variety, and Precision. Using these pillars, you can advance your learning and skill level while avoiding two of the most common mental traps.

Fall 2015 TSC Recap

The Fall 2015 TSC saw more participants than ever. Incredible results, and INSPIRING efforts! Here are the highest scores in each of the eight categories.