How to Systematically Improve Your TSC Numbers

Here's my advice on how to improve your TSC numbers based on my personal experience and success in competition. Some of these you can try today.

TSC Competition Prep: The Final 2 Weeks

Let's take a look at the last two weeks leading up to a TSC competition and outline how you can best set yourself up for success on event day.

Okinawan Strength: Developing the “Iron Body”

The martial arts embody a particular set of strength principles. We have investigated some of these techniques in the lab and the training room. Here are some thoughts on Okinawan strength and developing an iron body.

Heads Up! The Neck Position in Kettlebell Swings and Snatches

A strange idea has emerged from the clinical world: the insect head. White coats telling lifters to lock their heads onto their torsos during hip hinge lifts. I urge you not to get bogged down by their arguments.

The 5-Week TSC Deadlift Plan

If you have decent technique and have been building your base with sets of five, the following plan will give you more than a fighting chance of a deadlift PR.

Daily Dose Deadlift Plan

This plan will outline how you can overcome a plateau and keep building your lifts using the deadlift as an example. It's simple, and even feels easy to do.

The Tactical Strength Challenge as Celebration of Life

October 4 was Jim’s one year anniversary of heart surgery and the date of the Tactical Strength Challenge. Jim had begun his reborn life and was determined to compete.

Kettlebells and Deadlifting: A Match Made in Heaven?

There are many excellent exercises you can do with a kettlebell, but I have stuck to the two-hand swing. As an assistance exercise for the deadlift it is amazing.

The Secret to Big Deadlifts: Do the Small Things

Here is what you need to do to stay healthy while gaining strength in your deadlifts and other barbell lifts.

Tactical Strength Challenge: Participation, Community, Strength

The Tactical Strength Challenge is a powerful tool - not just for building your muscles, but also for building your business and community. Here's how!