Strength Is a Skill — Strength Is Liberating

If you practice badly, pain will find you. Not in pain yet? Keep doing what you’re doing badly. I did it all wrong for decades. But StrongFirst set me straight with one of their central tenets: strength is a skill.

SFG Level I Certification: 3 + 6 = Excellence

The SFG Level I Certification digs deep into the six movements that test your skills, strengths, and weaknesses - and even your mental strength.

The Similarities Between Kettlebell and Firearms Training

I’ve been training with kettlebells since 2005. I’ve been doing firearms training even longer. My experience with both led me to the conclusion that there are a lot of similarities between the two.

Things Are Going So Well, Help Me Screw It Up, Part II

We should use performance standards to dictate when new skills are introduced. Follow the path laid out by Pavel and other top instructors. Let’s take a look at how this works.

The Courage to Do Less: StrongFirst and Sumi-e

The other day I was looking at a favorite sumi-e painting of mine by the legendary warrior Miyamoto Musashi. I realized that sumi-e is a perfect metaphor for the StrongFirst methods.

Experience and Skill Will Always Trump Science

I know I am not a scientist, and, believe it or not, that gives me a great advantage over many when it comes to learning and perfecting a physical skill.

Strength Is Like Music or Surgery: The Value of the SFG

If you want to learn the skill of strength, the SFG Certification will have you set for life. You will get a solid start to learning the methods you can use to help people become stronger and mobile.

How the Neurodevelopmental Sequence Will Strengthen Your Press

By examining the neurodevelopmental sequence in toddlers, we can see how the press plank proves to be a useful exercise in increasing our shoulder stability and press strength.

Use Kettlebell Complexes to Achieve Technical Perfection

A “complex” of kettlebell exercises strung together in an intelligent manner delivers muscle hypertrophy and fat loss. But there is another benefit—accelerated skill development

6 Reasons for the Leaps Between Kettlebell Sizes

Here are six reasons why the leap of faith between kettlebell sizes is really a leap of science and experience.