The Courage to Do Less: StrongFirst and Sumi-e

The other day I was looking at a favorite sumi-e painting of mine by the legendary warrior Miyamoto Musashi. I realized that sumi-e is a perfect metaphor for the StrongFirst methods.

Why Amateurs Should Train Like Professionals

StrongFirst is the Glock of our industry. Our leading instructors have had the privilege of coaching world champions, consulting world record holders, and training elite special operators.

If It Looks Right, It Flies Right

Good movement is something a biomechanist could take it apart and marvel at the efficiency. An engineer famously quipped, “If it looks right, it flies right.”

To Be StrongFirst: What It Does and Does Not Mean

It is not about the kettlebell, barbell, or pull-up bar. It is about the one thing they have in common: strength. I cannot be strong for you. Only you can do that. However, I can show you the means.