If It Looks Right, It Flies Right

Good movement is something a biomechanist could take it apart and marvel at the efficiency. An engineer famously quipped, “If it looks right, it flies right.”

Do Not Be Afraid to Be Alone

You may have a coach and training partners, but when it comes down to it, it is between you and the iron. Do not be afraid to be alone with the iron.

If You Want to Be Strong, You Must Be Tough

Strength is a choice. It is an attitude. It is a belief in your power to move things in the direction you desire. By sheer force of will and imagination. And toughness.

My Story of Pavel and the School of Strength

It's been twelve years since I met Pavel in New York City. At the time, I was a karate student trying to improve my flexibility. It was immediately clear to me that Pavel was a gifted teacher.

Vote Strong

It is the StrongFirst vision that today’s young adults who are members of our brotherhood and sisterhood of strength will raise the next “great generation.” Vote Strong!

Come At Me, Bro!

That is totally what I would shout at a teeth-baring mountain lion. Not really. But getting stronger means you are less likely to become a victim or be defeated—whatever the challenge.

Is Greatness Possible Without Obsession?

True greatness in any field of endeavor requires obsession, dedication, and sacrifice. If it is a game you want to win, obsession is a powerful weapon in your arsenal.

Strength Kept Me Out of a Wheelchair

Strength kept me out of a wheelchair. In my early forties, I blew in my spine. After a year-plus-long rehabilitation, I started becoming strong—by deadlifting.

Show Me Your Friends and I Can Tell You Who You Are

If the situation you find yourself in is not allowing you to reach excellence and self-fulfillment, then it most likely is time to take a good look at the people around you.