Strength in Numbers: Can You Really Get Strong in a Group Fitness Class?

Years ago, after a Plan Strong™ seminar, I had a chance to ask Pavel a question. Me: “What do you think the biggest issue is in the fitness industry?” Pavel: “I don’t have enough time to answer that question, but I will tell you that there is far too much entertainment.” I understood exactly what […]

The Triple Gear Squat Protocol

In a recent article, I explained how varying your lifting speed can help you gain more strength. Today I will show you a couple of ways of applying this knowledge to boost your squat, barbell (back, front, Zercher) or kettlebell (goblet, double front). 3 x Gear Squat Protocol #1 The simplest thing you can do […]

Kettlebell Deadlift ➔ Barbell Deadlift

An Excerpt from Deadlift Dynamite If you know your way around the kettlebell, you have an unfair advantage when it comes to learning barbell skills. Start with a barbell half-deadlift because it is less demanding of skill and flexibility. And it really teaches you to drive the hips forward, an essential element of Andy’s competition […]

The 5TRM Back Squat Program

Sometimes it is not appropriate to measure 1RM, but what if your back squat program is based off one? Enter the 5TRM - your five technically perfect rep max. A new program inspired by Plan Strong.

My 1st National Powerlifting Competition and How I Trained

Here is how I decided to compete in powerlifting, how I trained, and how I incorporated the teachings of StrongFirst into the process.

Strength Programming in the 2022-2023 Season for an Italian Professional Soccer Team

Most of us know the important role strength training plays in sports. This also applies to soccer, where the quality of technical skills is fundamental. During the 2022-2023 season, with the help of Fabio Zonin, StrongFirst Certified Master Instructor, I designed a training program based on StrongFirst principles for Pro Vercelli Calcio a soccer team […]

The Paradox Breathing Crunch for Stronger Abs and Bigger Lifts

An Excerpt from Deadlift Dynamite The paradox breathing technique, developed in the USSR by opera singer Alexandra Strelnikova for applications obviously unrelated to lifting, will teach you how to tense your abs while “packing” your belly with air. Lie on your back with your legs straight.[i] If you are top heavy, anchor your feet under […]

When Tension Is a Beautiful Thing

I am neither discussing different types of headaches, nor the strength properties of a barbell and its ability to resist bending and becoming permanently deformed. I am talking about what your body needs to generate prior to loading it.

StrongFirst Deadlift Team Pulls Strong Again

Updates from Jason Marshall and Pavel on recent meet results and the future of the team. Read for information on how to apply.

StrongFirst Deadlift Team Pulls Strong

On June 22-23, 2013, the StrongFirst Deadlift Team competed at the IPA Strength Spectacular at the mecca of strength training, York Barbell Club in York, PA.