The Lateral Arch: A Secret Weapon for a Big Bench Press

If you do not compete in powerlifting, then you have no business arching your lower back like the pros in the bench press. But you can and should use one professional technique called the “lateral arch.”

The Basics of the Barbell Front Squat

The barbell front squat is an effective squat variation, is just plain hard work, and has a carryover to sport and life that cannot be ignored. Here are the essentials you need to know.

The Tension Day

Enter the Tension Day, a simple model for implementing tension practice in almost any strength regimen, regardless of your goals and preferred training implement.

The Difference Between Lifts, Exercises, and Feats of Strength

Understanding the difference between lifts, exercises, and feats of strength will simplify your life and make it easier to reach your goals.

3 Reasons You May Need to Pick Up Barbell Training

Unlike the kettlebell, which should be used by every man and woman, the bar is not for everyone. But you must start barbell training if one or more of the following reasons applies to you.

4 Tips for Getting Tight and Instant Strength Gains

I'm about to give you some tips you can take to the gym the next time you train. If you use the tips as I suggest—you’ll see instant strength gains.

Build a Barbell Military Press on a Kettlebell Foundation

While the principles of the barbell military press remain the same as with the kettlebell, tactics change to accommodate a different implement.

Extreme Specialization for the Real World

Unless you’re prepared to give up your life, then the Bulgarian system isn’t for you. But here's a way to apply extreme specialization to your deadlift in a more realistic manner.

Why Kettlebells, Barbells, and Bodyweight Demand Different Programming

You must be tactically flexible to accommodate to the opportunities and limitations of each implement in regards to kettlebells, barbells, and bodyweight training.

My 1st National Powerlifting Competition and How I Trained

Here is how I decided to compete in powerlifting, how I trained, and how I incorporated the teachings of StrongFirst into the process.