If You Want to Get Better, You Must Think Better

Just like any movement or lift you'll encounter in the gym, getting yourself into a proper head space more strongly and consistently starts with practice. And you know what the first step toward a better mental practice is?

The Simple Way Pavlov’s Dogs Can Improve Your Performance

You have probably heard of "Pavlov's dogs." But did you know the work of famous Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov might have a powerful application to your training?

An Outlier on the Normal Kettlebell Curve

I do not use the kettlebell to train. I train to become the kettlebell. Let me explain the strength of this goal.

A Strong Body Starts With a Strong Mind

I’ve never met a strong man or woman with a weak mind, and in fact, I believe our physical strength starts by building a strong mind. Here's how.

The Way You Carry Your Strength Matters

If you are reading this blog, you are strong, or at least on your way to strong. Do not let it go to your head. Let your conduct inspire the weak to be strong.

Standing on the Shoulders of StrongFirst Giants

When I was twenty, I was arrested and sentenced to an eight-year prison term. In that unlikeliest of places, I found inspiration and a journey to something better through StrongFirst.

The Will to Happiness

I learned a lesson about life and training that I would like to pass along. It comes from the book that made the greatest impression on me last year: "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi.

The Psychological Complexities of Becoming Strong

As I work and observe the broad range of personalities and athleticism at my school, Five Points Academy here in New York City, I’ve come to view strength training as something like an iceberg. There’s the part you see above the surface — the sweat, the occasional cussing — and then there’s everything else. It was […]

The Mental Toughness of a Strength Athlete

My goal is to instill respect in an all-out strength effort as an act of mental toughness every bit in the league with an exhausting race. And to remind you the meaning of respect, period.

No Country for Old Men

Our pear-shaped kids are old men and women in young people’s bodies. They bring the timidity of the old age into the age when one is supposed to drink life out of a fire hose.