Strength in Numbers: A Case for Pushup Endurance Training

I have learned how to maintain absolute strength without having to pursue it on a regular basis. This could be a way to keep us healthy, strong, and continuing to make progress without the risk of downtime from injury.

Your Journey to a Handstand Push-up: Part 2

Once you have built your stabilizers in the bent-arm position and feel comfortable upside down, you can move closer to the handstand push-up by following these progressions to build your straight-arm strength.

How to Train Your Way to Owning a Strict Hanging Leg Raise

Most people bypass adding the hanging leg raise into their training because of the perceived difficulty, but in this article I will teach you usable progressions to work your way toward owning a strict hanging leg raise.

A Simple Handbook for Pistol Assessment and Correction

All too often, we see exercises being done with poor technique—the pistol, in particular. The key to developing excellent movement is the continual application of assessment and correction.

The Anytime, Anywhere Bodyweight-Only Strength Program

The sad truth is most of us are lost without our kettlebells or barbells. But you will never be without your body weight—and that means your strength doesn’t ever have to get lost.

Your Journey to a Handstand Push-up: Part 3

If you spent time on the bent-arm strength progression outlined in part one, and then advanced to the straight-arm strength progressions in part two, you are now ready to begin the pushing progressions.

Your Journey to a Handstand Push-up: Part 1

It's best to begin slowly to build a solid foundation of technique before jumping “head first” into advanced skills. This article is the first part of a three-part series that will help you plot your journey to the HSPU.

How to Progress Yourself to Your First Pull-up

Here are some highly effective progressions for those of you working toward your first pull-up. But do not skip this article because you CAN do pull-ups. These same progressions can strengthen and even advance your current performance.

The Keys to Executing a Successful Weighted Tactical Pull-Up

Let's examine the key details in the setup and execution of the weighted tactical pull-up. Perhaps these tips can help you have a better experience at the Beast Tamer or Iron Maiden Challenge.

One Good Rep: How to Perform the Perfect Pull-up

Before we can achieve a heavy weighted pull-up like that required for the Iron Maiden or Beast Tamer, we need to be able to do one perfect pull-up—and that’s what I’m going to teach you today.