A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II

This prep guide for the SFG Level I and/or SFG Level II builds your conditioning and strength using Pavel’s latest research. It is a science-based plan backed by Soviet research as well as our own.

How to Prepare for and Pass Your SFG Level I

Successfully completing your SFG Level I takes smart planning. This was my path to a successful Level I and the eight-week training plan I followed.

SFG Level II Certification Prep Story

Here's what to expect at your SFG Level II, how I prepared, and my recommendations to you to ensure you have a successful Certification weekend.

SFG Level I Certification: 3 + 6 = Excellence

The SFG Level I Certification digs deep into the six movements that test your skills, strengths, and weaknesses - and even your mental strength.

Peaking and Assessment for SFG Preparation

Here is the actual program I used with my students for SFG Level I preparation, as well as how we assessed and adjusted our strategy along the way.

StrongFirst SFG Kettlebell Certification Prep Guide

I have been teaching with Pavel for over ten years at more workshops and certifications than I care to count. Based on those experiences, I have created this prep guide for the SFG Level I Certification.

A Solid Game Plan for Acing the Snatch Test

Many people eager to become SFG Level I Certified get anxious about the snatch test. But the test is very passable if you have a solid game plan and properly prepare.

The SFG Level II Preparation Guide

You asked for it, so here it is: a step-by-step approach to preparation and training for the SFG Level II. This is not a plan you can just follow, though – it requires assessment, planning, and analysis of your own.

4 Essential Mental Tools for Passing the SFG Level I Cert

If you’ve signed up for the SFG Level I Cert, or are considering it, then read this article, put the tools to work, and know you can and will pass your test.

How to Prepare for, Pass, and Get the Most Out of the SFL

Like the SFG, one of the biggest challenges for SFL participants can be figuring out how to prepare. This article is meant to serve as a guide to help you develop a plan to be ready for and get the most out of your SFL experience.