Solid: In-Between Simple & Sinister

Here are my thoughts, tips, and tricks from my training through the space in-between Simple and Sinister. I will point out aspects of S&S program that are often overlooked, but which are key to your long-term improvement.

The 3 Best Lifts for Developing Overhead Strength and Why

Here's how to develop considerable overhead strength using three particular lifts. When used together, these three lifts allow you to put major weight overhead while building seriously healthy shoulders.

No Excuses Allowed: I Became an SFG II at Age 70

I recently passed the SFG Level II Certification. At seventy years of age, I was told I am the oldest person to pass. But I never let excuses stop me.

Understanding Center of Mass in Kettlebell Training

Dumbbells center the weight with your hand, but a kettlebell’s center is six to eight inches from the handle and changes depending on the exercise. Understanding center of mass can be used to your advantage.

Program Minimum [Squared]

Pavel's original Program Minimum used the bent press and the snatch. He reinvented the PM with two equally-effective drills: the swing and the get-up. What if we use all four?

Under Pressure: A Small But Crucial Adjustment to Your Get-up

A lot of kettlebell practitioners feel pressure where the kettlebell rests on the forearm during a get-up. Not properly applying the pressure in this situation can be a pain in the forearm, quite literally.

A Critical Get-up Transition: From the Elbow to the Hand

Each position in the get-up should set you up for success in the next position. A great transition from the elbow to the hand sets up a safe and solid shoulder position for the low sweep or the high bridge.

The Power of Swings and Get-ups for Hockey Training

Learning how to properly execute and teach these two movements has had a huge impact on my programming philosophy as a coach to professional hockey players.

Strength Training Will Get You Far – Even a Half Marathon

I didn't mean to train for a half marathon without doing any running, but due to an injury I only did strength training. And I was shocked how well I did!

The Seven Basic Human Movements

“How do I put together a program at home?” The simple answer is to include both grinds and ballistics within the seven basic human movement patterns.