The Difference Between Lifts, Exercises, and Feats of Strength

Understanding the difference between lifts, exercises, and feats of strength will simplify your life and make it easier to reach your goals.

3 Reasons You May Need to Pick Up Barbell Training

Unlike the kettlebell, which should be used by every man and woman, the bar is not for everyone. But you must start barbell training if one or more of the following reasons applies to you.

StrongFirst Deadlift Team Pulls Strong

On June 22-23, 2013, the StrongFirst Deadlift Team competed at the IPA Strength Spectacular at the mecca of strength training, York Barbell Club in York, PA.

8 Rules for Proper Strength Training for BJJ

Here are my eight rules, as a BJJ practitioner and a strength coach to black belts, for how to most effectively perform strength training for BJJ.

Announcing the StrongFirst Deadlift Team

This is a call to all those who want to be a part of the inaugural StrongFirst Deadlift Team. Information on how to qualify, and also how to improve your deadlift whether you intend to compete or not.

A Bit of TSC History and What the Future Holds

TSC has survived with zero corporate support for a decade. The TSC history is a testament to its resilience. Now, StrongFirst is about to put its muscle behind the event and make it even more intense and competitive.

My 1st National Powerlifting Competition and How I Trained

Here is how I decided to compete in powerlifting, how I trained, and how I incorporated the teachings of StrongFirst into the process.

Sample Deadlift Training Cycles of StrongFirst Athletes

The following are a couple of different approaches to deadlift training cycles used by the StrongFirst Deadlift Team’s members.

Is Greatness Possible Without Obsession?

True greatness in any field of endeavor requires obsession, dedication, and sacrifice. If it is a game you want to win, obsession is a powerful weapon in your arsenal.