A Pressing Matter

Most athletes know kettlebells have many benefits, especially the ballistic skills (e.g., the swing, snatch, and clean) which are almost impossible to do with any other tool. However, what may be less known is that kettlebells give us the opportunity to improve grinds as well as develop strength in the process. One of those grind […]

How to Improve Your Performance by Rebalancing Your Body: A Lesson from a World Record Strongman

I would like to share a training method with you that is rarely understood in the realm of fitness but so powerful it completely saved me from persistent hip discomfort and tension within a few days. Over the course of a few months, I saw improved performance while hiking steep hills and a more powerful […]

Ride the Wave: How to Program for Progress

If training consistently is the foundation of results, does that mean doing the same thing over and over? If you want to keep making progress, at some point you’ll need to make changes to your program, but what, when, and how much? Brett Jones takes the mystery out of adding variety to your training. If […]

The Bottoms-Up Experiment

Want to forge an iron grip that lasts (which can be one of the quickest ways to improve your deadlift, pull-ups, and snatches)? Improve your press and squat groove? Challenge your midsection? Train pesky and often cranky shoulder stabilizers? Then bottoms-up work could be the movement prescription that your training program needs. The kettlebell is […]

Your Multipurpose Strength Tool (aka the Get-up)

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.” —Marshall McLuhan Our “tools” could be looked at as our implement (a kettlebell, for example), the exercise we select, our program, or how we use the tool to mold us. Multipurpose tools have become a mainstay in our lives. We “shaped” the multipurpose tool to […]

Avoid the Traps of Intuitive Training

An Excerpt from Iron Cardio By Brett Jones, StrongFirst Director of Education “It’s a trap.” —Admiral Ackbar Intuitive programs can fall into a few traps: Always intense Always increasing Increasing reps per set Not doing the math Chasing the clock Always Intense The “always intense” trap is the sneakier of the five. You think you […]

Angles and Arches—Using the Floor to Strengthen Your Press

Our most recent program at Queensland Kettlebells has included a lot of floor presses, with good reason. If you haven’t encountered the floor press before, think of it as a bench press performed on the ground. Although the two lifts are similar, the floor press requires a few technical adjustments and also offers some new […]

Controlling Gravity for Better Squats, Deadlifts, and Presses

The very definition of a lift is moving load upwards against gravity; but what goes up must come down. If you’re only paying attention to one half of every squat, deadlift, and press, you’re missing out on a heap of strength and stability, and likely setting yourself up for injury down the road. It’s time […]

Press Stronger NOW with the Kettlebell Pull Press

We all want a stronger kettlebell press. Boosting your strength baseline makes everything else, everything before, relatively easier. But strength isn’t just about your muscles: it’s about your brain. So finding and using principles, techniques and drills that unlock your ability to better express the strength that you do have is something to strive for. […]

Easy Reg Park: A New Program to Train Your Basic Six

Looking for a new kettlebell training program? This one hits it all. You'll need access to a few bells and coaching from an SFG Instructor, if you aren't one already.