Pressing Strength Carryovers

In our StrongFirst system, there are many “a-ha” or “what the heck” moments that are identified as carryover effects. These carryovers translate into unexpected strength gains, better movement, and endurance in other lifts you haven’t specifically been training. This is an exciting part of the training process, when your lifts become easier, and you find […]

Pick Your Perfect Program in 2023

“Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”— Samuel Taylor Coleridge from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The quote above from the classic poem describes the availability of programs for the trainee. Programs, programs everywhere, nor a one to follow… It can be classic “paralysis by analysis” and the search for the “right” program […]

My Successful Training Plan for the SFB

Introduction From the outside, the StrongFirst Bodyweight Certification (SFB) may look like the least “shiny” of the three certification StrongFirst offers, but for many it´s also probably the one they will have to work the hardest for, both physically and mentally. But what you get from the SFB when you put yourself in the (possibly) […]

Pullup Power: From No Reps to Getting Over the Bar with 36kg

Ah, the trusty pullup. Once a staple of every child’s PE class, it has fallen by the wayside as physical education in schools has declined. So even though pullups are still one of the best exercises you can do, for many people they’re nothing more than a distant memory of being yelled at by a […]

What Mastering Your Bodyweight Can Teach You About Lifting Iron

A common path for our students pursuing the StrongFirst Elite designation is to start with the kettlebell instructor certifications before earning the bodyweight and barbell credentials. All four—SFG, SFG II, SFB, and SFL—earn you Elite status. But the path isn’t written in stone. Our principles transcend modalities so you can get stronger whichever way you […]

Four Progressions to Conquer the One-Arm Pushup

When I first attended the StrongFirst Bodyweight (SFB) Certification in 2016, I failed the one-arm pushup test that weekend. Having recently passed the SFG Level I Certification seven months prior, I was new to StrongFirst methods and strength training and still in the early stages of becoming strong. Fast-forward to today, 2023, I have now […]

One-arm/One-leg Pushups and the Center of the Universe

The Swing is the Center of the Universe If you have been to a StrongFirst kettlebell certification or course, chances are that you have heard this statement. It doesn’t mean that we only do swings, or that we always do swings. But the swing is at the core of the kettlebell quick lifts: one- and […]

Plans for Building Powerful Pushups

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article, Strength in Numbers, about my journey towards a set of 100 pushups. I used ’grease the groove’ (GTG) sets regularly throughout my day to achieve a high daily volume. With Pavel’s advice, I added cycles of explosive pushups using Strong Endurance™ principles. I became a sort […]

Getting to the Bottom of a Great Pistol Squat: 3 Tips to Improve Yours

The pistol squat is one of the hallowed movements among fitness lovers—especially bodyweight aficionados. While they’re not for everyone, if they’re in your repertoire you want them to be as clean as possible. A great pistol is smooth like a hot spoon through ice cream and effortless like this is how I always pick up […]

Building on Strength: Year-end Review and 2019 Preview

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” Hal Borland As we reflect on the past year and look towards 2019, the truth of this quote hits home. Even as companies (and individuals) “close out” a year’s worth of business […]